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Hough Map Improvement 2016-7-14.

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1 Hough Map Improvement

2 Outline Distinguish (+ - ) charge of track on Hough space
Study the track width on Hough space

3 1.Improved method on Hough space
In the first step , only use axial hits to fill Hough space Imformation of slant of sin curve ->split a hole circle to 2 half circle From mathematical derivation , we can distinguish a hit on which side of the circle by (sign of slant) *(sign of ρ) ρ A pi- event Hits on 1st half and 2nd half have different sign of slant when there appears a track θ

4 Improved method on Hough space
select 1st half hits on track -> get hits of clockwise -> get a candidate track of negative charge select 2nd half hits on track -> get hits of anticlockwise -> get a candidate track of negative charge So split a HoughMap into two charge - charge map + charge map

5 Determine whether from same track
Algorithm Procedure HoughHitList HoughMap - HoughMap + Peak finding Peak finding Determine track Determine track Determine whether from same track

6 Why Solve Back to back events for high pt
For low pt , decay and energy lose of the 2nd hits spoil the circle finding Not focus one area

7 2.Track width determination
Different kinds of hits Noise hit Hit on decayed track Hit from delta e 2nd half hits on a track circle 1st half hits on single turn track To study the width of the track No decay & delta e track No background Single turn track Only take 1st half hits into consider

8 2.Track width determination
ρ Only use axial hits ->more focused area My suppose Method Find the most focused area Cut HoughMap to as many bins( 500*500) The highest bin (ρ, θ) should be the parameter of the track θ Parameters (ρ, θ) explain the parameter of track on BESIII x-y space Compare the peak with the track par from MC truth 500 single curve events (no decay and delta e) ρ - ρTruth θ - θ Truth ρ -> 1/r , θ->angle on x-y plane The highest bin on HoughMap can similar express the track

9 Track width determination
Method Extend the size bin by bin from two directions around the highest bin confirm the size of peak at least include 70% hits of the track For one event , the size of the peak is recorded by (thetaNum,rhoNum) 500 single curve events (no decay and delta e) thetaNum:peak need to combine number of bins along theta axias rhoNum:peak need to combine number of bins along rho axias If we use cut peak width by (4,4) 84% events has collected more than 70% useful hits ThetabinNum rhobinNum

10 Track width determination procedure
Cut HoughMap to 500*500 (as small) Look for the highest bin If (collected hits>70% of all hits) Yes No thetaNum++ Or rhoNum++ Combine highest bin with bins around it Record theta/rho binNum

11 Hit tracking efficiency
hits proportion 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Efficiency 94.2% 89.7% 83.5% 64.5% 39.5% 21% Means 94.2% events find more than 50% useful hits

12 Track width varied with ρ
The track width should be some distribution in HoughMap Along θ direction track are no difference Along ρ direction , has some difference ,but not clear Under studying

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