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Serge Kalmykov, UNL (WG 6, Tuesday, 10/26/2017) vg +15 fs

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Presentation on theme: "Serge Kalmykov, UNL (WG 6, Tuesday, 10/26/2017) vg +15 fs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Optically controlled laser-plasma electron accelerators for compact  - ray sources
Serge Kalmykov, UNL (WG 6, Tuesday, 10/26/2017) vg +15 fs Bi-color stack of sub-Joule pulses is resilient to degradation of the dense plasma (n0  1019 cm-3) Electron beam quality is preserved Electron energy is doubled vs. predictions of scaling Production of ultra-bright (Bn > 1017 A/m2), GeV-scale bunches is expected in a mm-length plasma, with a kHz rep. rate, at affordable average laser power. Stack-driven LPA produces perfect e-beams for a Thomson scattering-based -ray source: Photon signal to background ratio exceeds 4:1 Photon yield in a sr observation solid angle d = (/2)  e  -2: up to 5  106 in full bandwidth Photon energy is tunable from 4 to 16 MeV, while preserving the yield Photon pulse length: 0.8 to 3.8 fs Photon pulse power: 1 to 4 GW With a kHz repetition rate promised by the stack-driven LPA, the expected dosage is  1010 ph/s z = 1.6 mm z = 2.15 mm z = 2.15 mm Electron energy spectra at dephasing -ray flux in the direction of e-beam propagation

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