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By Squadron Leader Zahid Mir CS&IT Department , Superior University

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1 By Squadron Leader Zahid Mir CS&IT Department , Superior University
PHY-AP Magnetism By Squadron Leader Zahid Mir CS&IT Department , Superior University

2 Magnets Magnets have been known for centuries.
The Chinese and Greeks knew about the “magical” properties of magnets. The ancient Greeks used a stone substance called “magnetite” (an oxide of iron). They discovered that the stone always pointed in the same direction. Later, stones of magnetite called “lodestones” were used in navigation.

3 William Gilbert, an English physician, first proposed in 1600 that the earth itself is a magnet, and he predicted that the Earth would be found to have magnetic poles.

4 What is Magnetism? Magnetism is the force of attraction or repulsion of a magnetic material due to the arrangement of its atoms, particularly its electrons.

5 Magnetic Needle A magnetized steel rod that, when adjusted to swing in a horizontal plane, indicates the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field. The “RED” end always point towards the geographical north, also known as “North-Seeking Pole”


7 Magnetic Interactions
One magnet set up a magnetic field and the other magnet respond to that magnetic field. Magnet Field Magnet

8 Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet

9 Magnetism First Law Like poles repel each other while unlike poles attract each other.

10 Magnetic fields due to Current
Compass needle indicates the direction of magnetic field around a current carrying wire. Magnetic field vanishes when current is switched off. This shows a direct link between electricity and magnetism

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