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Introduction- Link with WG E activity CMEP PLENARY MEETING-PRAGUE

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1 Introduction- Link with WG E activity CMEP PLENARY MEETING-PRAGUE
Mario Carere, Bernd Gawlik, Madalina David Introduction- Link with WG E activity CMEP PLENARY MEETING-PRAGUE 30 JUNE 2011

2 CMEP MANDATE Task 3.1 B: Case studies on statistical methods for assessing compliance. Task 3.1 C Case studies on implementation of QA/QC Directive Task 3.1 D Comparison of monitoring approaches among EU Member State Laboratories (CM on-site Exercises). Task 3.1 E Status report on the availability of laboratory intercomparisons, reference materials and other tools of quality control.

3 CMEP MANDATE Task 3.1 F Report on progress of execution of Mandate M 424 on standardisation for existing PS and new standardization needs for new priority substances. Tasks 3.2 A/3.2 B Summary reports on research dedicated to the investigation of emerging pollutants on a European or river-basin specific level. Task 3.2 C: Technical reports on the use of alternative effect-based monitoring tools 

4 CMEP MANDATE Task 3.1 F Report on progress of execution of Mandate M 424 on standardisation for existing PS and new standardization needs for new priority substances. Tasks 3.2 A/3.2 B Summary reports on research dedicated to the investigation of emerging pollutants on a European or river-basin specific level. Task 3.2 C: Technical reports on the use of alternative effect-based monitoring tools 

5 Workshop Metals Bioavailability
To share experiences of implementing bioavailability-based approaches for metals. To identify steps that need to be taken to meet the requirements of the Directive and to deliver a practical and transparent methodology to account for bioavailability. Take these agreed steps and convert into a clear guidance prepared by a drafting group drawn from participants. Provide clarity on how bioavailability may be implemented and an outline for the writing of practical guidance.

6 The Coverage . 58 delegates representing 18 European administrations registered for the workshop In addition the Canadian EPA expressed interest in the workshop A number of Industry sector representatives also attended the event

7 What to monitor ? (metals bioavailability)
We need to extend widely the monitoring of dissolved concentrations of metals in the aquatic environment Total concentrations may still be needed for other purposes (e.g. estimation of loads), but dissolved is needed for compliance checking of chemical status Analytical issues may need careful attention (filtering, etc) We need to monitor at least the most important parameters that influence bioavailability: Ca, DOC and pH Additional costs seem to be in the range of € per sample Recommendation to monitor together metal and supporting parameters In some cases it might be possible to use of default values for Ca, DOC and pH – only if sufficiently develop datasets are available to ensure the variability in the water body is well known

8 Next steps? Pilot exercise to allow MS testing the user-friendly tool with their own data Possibly a session prior to next WGE meeting in October to discuss findings Document summarising the discussions will be produced and distributed Presentation of the outcome of the discussions at the WGE today Discussion on potential follow-up

9 Information on nanomaterial types and uses, including safety aspects
Compilation of information from various sources (FP6/FP7 projects, scientific opinions, special surveys etc.). Results of empirical review of reporting under various legislative areas: Analysis of relevant REACH dossiers and CLP notifications. Results compared with what could be expected given what is known to be on market. Review an EU nano reporting system (Council request) Mandatory EU-reporting scheme would reduce information gap for regulators REACH, CLP systems could be used, or separate system Undertake review of costs and benefits of additional EU data-gathering National initiatives (FR). New study on setting up database of nanomaterials on market and their safety

10 Nanomaterials as Priority substances??
COMMPS scheme List reviewed every 4 yrs 33 priority substances: progressive reduction 11 priority hazardous substances: cessation or phasing out Inclusion of a specific nanomaterial not currently plausible Technical limitations regarding monitoring and controls Combined monitoring-based and modelling-based priority setting (COMMPS) – now subject to review Priority substances – progressive reduction of emissions, losses and discharges 11 priority hazardous substances – PTBs, or equivalent level of concern Cessation of phasing out of emissions, losses and discharges

11 Monitoring of nanomaterials in surface waters
Monitoring programmes Should NM be identified as pollutants, operational monitoring required No standardised methods for monitoring NM Relevant equipment limited to a few university labs

12 Guidelines on inventory
Chapter I: Purpose of the guidelines (introduction, legal requirements, practical use of the inventory, general approach and minimum expectations) Chapter II: Terms and definitions (discharges, emissions and losses, sources, pathways, process in the river system, riverine load, emission factor) Chapter III: General components of an inventory (general working scheme, spatial and temporal resolution, tiered approach) Chapter IV: Working methodologies (general description of the existing methodologies, input data needed for different approaches, proposed procedure and interpretation the results of different approaches) References, Glossary and Annexes + Background document: country examples

13 THANK YOU FOR ALL MADALINA We will miss you!!!!!

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