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Presentation on theme: "Pandemics MINI-LESSON"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pandemics MINI-LESSON
Look for clues that will tell you about the movie’s plot as you watch this trailer. (3 min 46 sec)

2 Write these words down in your ISN
 “infectious” “virus” “quarantine” “vaccine” “immunity”  This is the ONLY page they must take notes on… Now either (1) Write what you may think the words definition is or (2) Draw an illustration to show the word

3 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Case Study Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. This virus severely damages the immune system by infecting and destroying certain white blood cells. HIV is passed from person to person via blood, semen or mucous membranes. Pregnant women may pass HIV to their baby during pregnancy, delivery or breast feeding. Some people will develop AIDS as a result of their HIV infection. An HIV positive test result does not mean a person has AIDS.

4 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
is developed after a person has been in contact with HIV. AIDS is a collection of infections and cancers that people with HIV might develop. AIDS weakens the immune system making it difficult for a person to fight illness. If a person gets one of these infections or cancers after they are HIV+ they are said to have AIDS. Many of these infections that cause AIDS are harmless to a healthy immune system.

5 How is HIV/AIDS transmitted
How is HIV/AIDS transmitted? Does HIV/AIDS only affect certain types of people? HIV/AIDS can infect anyone regardless of age, race or sexual preference. Transmission People can contract HIV in multiple ways. o Unprotected sex with an infected person o Sharing a needle with someone who uses intravenous drugs o Transmission from a mother to her unborn fetus However, you cannot get HIV through daily social contact such as: o Hugging o Shaking hands o Sharing a swimming pool or toilet o Coughing sneezing, tears or insect bites

6 Where does HIV/AIDS exist in the world?
HIV is one of the biggest social, economic and health challenges facing the world today. People are affected everywhere by this global pandemic. Sub-Saharan Africa 25.8 million people living with HIV Asia 8.3 million people living with HIV North America, Western and Central Europe 1.9 million people living with HIV Eastern Europe and Central Asia 1.6 million people living with HIV Middle East and North Africa 510,000 people living with HIV Caribbean 300,000 people living with HIV Oceania 74,000 people living with HIV Latin America 1.8 million people living with HIV

7 Locally…. 20% more Texans are living with HIV today than just five years ago. Longer survival means greater costs  and challenges for HIV prevention and care

8 Also In The News Today…. CDC announces first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus infection (MERS) in the United States (May 7, 2014) On April 24, the patient traveled by plane from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to London, England then from London to Chicago, Illinois. The patient then took a bus from Chicago to Indiana. On the 27th, the patient began to experience respiratory symptoms, including shortness of breath, coughing, and fever. The patient went to an emergency department in an Indiana hospital on April 28th and was admitted on that same day. The patient is being well cared for and is isolated;, A hotbed for new diseases: China study improves understanding of disease spread Southern China is one of the most important regions of the planet for the development and spread of new diseases in humans. In recent years a combination of high population density, frequent contact between humans and animals and the developed transport links in the region have given rise to diseases such as SARS and Avian flu, and their rapid spread.

9 6m40s

10 ‘The Game Plan: PR Campaign’
Pair Up…. Discuss how you, and your team member, are going to help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and how best to prevent discrimination against those infected. Come up with the following: o Develop a group name and logo. o The group's mandate and mission statement. o Long and short term goals for the group. o Find other organizations to collaborate with. Be sure BOTH of your names are on this assignment

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