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November newsletter Parent Feedback Pudsey Day Big Bedtime Read

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1 November newsletter Parent Feedback Pudsey Day Big Bedtime Read
We really appreciate you taking the time to fill in the questionnaires. Your replies help us to make sure our provision meets yours and your children’s needs. Thanks also to those of you who offered to share your skills and time with us. We will be in touch. November newsletter The children have quickly settled back into the nursery routine after the half term holiday. This month our topic is People Who Help Us and that includes you! We have several visitors coming in to tell and show how they help us in the community. To help with our theme, talk to your child about people who help them every day and ways they can help others such as joining in our Children in Need fun day. Our colours this month are Black and Red. Our shape is square. Our concepts are Light/Dark and Over/Under. Pudsey Day On Friday 16th November children can wear their favourite pyjamas or onesies and should bring in £1 to raise funds for Children in Need. Please wear usual Velcro- fastening school shoes. No slippers please. Big Bedtime Read is starting this month. The children will enjoy taking a bag of lovely books home to share with you. Please come next week at 1:20PM on Thursday 15th Nov. The children can stay in Afterschool club while Mrs Gillespie gives a short talk on why the Nursery are taking part in the Big Bedtime Read and how we manage it in Shaftesbury. Nativity songs A date for you to put in your diary. Friday 14th Dec December 11:45AM. Jump, Jiggle and Jive Our Monday mornings in November are spent enjoying lots of exercise, movement and fun. Stars! The children will be helping us to make a little promotional video clip on Monday. This will be a snapshot of our Nursery day and will let the new children coming know what fun we have in Shaftesbury. (The video clip will only be shown within the Nursery.) You – our parent partners will be the first people to see this clip. Mrs Gillespie will send you a text message when it is ready to view on our Big Screen!! Shared Education Our first session is on Wednesday 14th Nov. PLEASE make every effort to send your children to Nursery on these Shared Education days. The funding we receive for this is linked to full attendance. New Toys We have been able to purchase some lovely new resources for your children to enjoy. Your School Fund contributions have helped us to do this. THANK YOU!!! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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