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Milan Zoric Centre for Testing and Interoperability ETSI

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Presentation on theme: "Milan Zoric Centre for Testing and Interoperability ETSI"— Presentation transcript:

1 STF 400 Platform for Interoperability Testing of ePassport Reader Systems
Milan Zoric Centre for Testing and Interoperability ETSI © ETSI All rights reserved

2 Agenda Project presentation Overview of ePassport Implementation Architecture Project Work Packages STF experts STF progress report

3 Project Presentation Objectives
The objective of this proposed action is to design, build and test a prototype TTCN-3 Test System for ePassport Reader Conformance Testing. This will be achieved in a joint effort between the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). The Project is done under the format and policy of an ETSI Specialist Task Force (STF).

4 Project Presentation The overall project consists of 2 work phases
Phase 1 completed in 2009, consisted of a production of TTCN-3 test cases for the ePassport reader, based on a selection of Test descriptions from BSI Test Specifications document TR Phase 2 started in March 2010, consists of the production of the prototype test system, running an extended selection of the most relevant Testcases, covering the Test Specifications. The STF is a 18 month project, ending In August 2011.

5 Synergy As several technology domains are involved (Security, Smart Card, …), the project brings a real synergy between the ETSI Technical Committees and liaises with : TC MTS (Methods for Testing and Specification) TC SCP (Smart Card Platform) TC TISPAN WG7 (Competence Centre for Security) TC AERO (Aeronautics) The project and the progress reports have been presented to the ETSI meetings of these 4 Technical Committees.

6 Contactless ePassport

7 Data Group Files stored in the chip


9 ePassport Authentications
Basic Access Control BAC Handles initial secure messaging Active Authentication : Verifies whether the chip is not cloned Passive Authentication Verifies the Data Group files stored in the ePassport are digitally signed by issuing organisation Extended Access Control EAC Chip Authentication : Verifies the authenticity of the chip Terminal Authentication : The Inspection System must prove to the chip that it is authorized. Only after this step, the biometric data reading (fingerprint and iris) can be performed.

10 Communication sequence ISO 7816 at layer 6

11 TTCN-3 Test Component compiled ATS
TTCN-3 Test System SUT Adapter TRI Proprietary Transport ISO card emulator SUT IUT Inspection System Upper Tester Application TA port MRTD port Test data page Test Management Pixits OTA CFG Sets UT port TTCN-3 Test Component compiled ATS Editors TTCN-3 ATS Compiler Codec Generator Compilation Tools Suite Test Suite ePassport Reader Test System

12 STF Experts The following experts have been selected:
Alexander Fetke Testing Technologies Alexandre Berge AMB Consulting SARL Holger Funke HJP Consulting GmbH Roland Borris Comprion GmbH Yann Garcia FSCOM Zdenek Riha Support Institüt für Informatik Stephane Jobard SOLIATIS Laurent Velez (ETSI/CTI) will act as STF Leader. Andras Tralas (ARH Inc) has provided a ePassport reader for validation of the prototype

13 ARH, Inc.( Adaptive Recognition Hungary)

14 Work Packages WP 1 Test System TTCN-3 clean of the Testcases of Phase1
CODEC Test Adapter Implementation of TTCN-3 Runtime Interface (TRI) Implementation of security external functions ePassport Security config files Integration of ISO card emulator Implementation of Upper Tester (UT) IF to Inspection System Virtual PC/SC driver Test management Validation

15 Work Packages WP 2 TTCN-3 Test Cases Extension WP 3 Dissemination
Extension of Test Coverage: Test Purposes for the full selection of Testcases. Development of TTCN-3 Test Cases Validation WP 3 Dissemination White Papers Validation report Abstract Test Suite (ATS) Document Lab procedure for standardized test reporting

16 STF Deliverables DTR/MTS-00126 DMI/MTS-00127
A document containing an extended selection of test purposes A report on the validation of the prototype The Abstract Test Suite of the sample test cases A lab procedure for standardized test reporting DMI/MTS-00127 Message encoders Adaptation layers Test Management

17 STF Progress Report The WP1 tasks have been completed as planned in the work plan The TTCN-3 clean up of the existing 11 testcases has been performed. The selection of the 50 most relevant testcases has been done. CODEC development and integration has been completed successfully Test Adapter development and integration has been completed successfully. External Security functions development (Java) has been completed successfully. Security Configuration Set work (creation of LDS files, PKI, ...) has been achieved for the first 11 Testcases. The SW codes, codec and test adapter have been successfully integrated by the team to the Comprion ISO14443 HW Platform. The prototype has been validated with the first 11 testcases.

18 STF Progress Report The WP2 tasks have been almost completed
The 50 final TTCN-3 testcases have been completed The corresponding Test purposes have been written. The draft document will be circulated to MTS with the interim report. Security Configuration Set work (creation of LDS files, PKI, ...) has been achieved for the full list selection of 50 testcases. Next step: The Validation needs to be planned with the identified experts.

19 THANK YOU! Milan Zoric Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI)
ETSI © ETSI All rights reserved

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