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God’s Perfect Gift to: You John 1:1-18.

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Presentation on theme: "God’s Perfect Gift to: You John 1:1-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 God’s Perfect Gift to: You John 1:1-18

2 “The Perfect Gift is Totally Unique”
Part #2 “The Perfect Gift is Totally Unique” John 1:14-18

3 I. God in the Flesh vs.14 A. The Word Became Man Luke 2:10&11
Part #2 A. The Word Became Man Luke 2:10&11 B. One of a Kind C. Compassionate & Revealing James 1:17

4 II. Came to Bless vs.15-17 A. Always There vs.15
Part #2 A. Always There vs.15 B. Source of Blessings vs.16, Lamentations 3:22&23 C. Grace vs. Law vs.17, Matthew 5:17

5 III. Shows Us God vs.18 A. Invisible to Man
Part #2 A. Invisible to Man B. Revealed by Jesus John 14:7

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