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Ms. Johnson’s 5th Grade Class Newsletter

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1 Ms. Johnson’s 5th Grade Class Newsletter
Plano Elementary January 8, 2016 Hello Panther Families, I hope you all had a wonderful break. We started the new year off working on a lot of wonderful projects! Please ask your students all about them. In order to continue to complete some more awesome projects we are in need of your help! If you could bring in empty two litter bottles it would be greatly appreciated. We will need two for each student so the more you have the better! We are starting up a new family journal that will go home every Friday so you can learn a little bit more about what we are working on. Lastly the weather outside is still cold. Please have your students bring jackets and long pants to wear! Thank you! Ms. Johnson Upcoming Events Please bring in empty two litter bottles! Thank you all so much for the gifts! I love them Thank you cards will follow soon! January Happy Birthday Katie E!

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