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The Effects of El Niño on Greater Ani Reproductive Biology

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1 The Effects of El Niño on Greater Ani Reproductive Biology
Zachariah Smart ‘19

2 2006 – present Barro Colorado Island
We used long-term data set from study population in Panama to test these hypotheses. 2006 – present

3 Greater Ani – Crotophaga major

4 Lone pairs are rare and never successful
Eggs Nestlings Fledglings Previous work has shown that cooperation is favored by direct fitness benefits of communal nest defense; females essentially never nest alone, and reproductive success increases with group size. Riehl 2011, Proc B Riehl et al Anim. Behaviour

5 Riehl and Bogdanowicz 2009, Mol. Ecol.
The goal of our long-term study is to understand lifetime reproductive fitness and individual parasitic and cooperative histories. Riehl and Bogdanowicz 2009, Mol. Ecol.

6 El Niño Weather Underground, 2016

7 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

8 2015-16 El Niño Event Among strongest El Niño events on record
Particularly during 2015 Ani breeding season, BCI received very little precipitation STRI Physical Monitoring Program, public data, August 2016

9 Effects of El Niño on the Anis

10 Thank You! PEI Professor Christie Riehl STRI Ani Team Meghan Strong
Amanda Savagian Luke Carabbia

11 Group Size – Costs and Benefits

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