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18.1 – Ottomans Build a Vast Empire

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1 18.1 – Ottomans Build a Vast Empire

2 Setting the Stage 1300: Byzantine Empire in decline
Anatolia inhabited by descendants of the Turks Peoples were militaristic, loyal, and lacked a strong central power/figure

3 Into Byzantium Osman – most successful leader
Followers = Ottomans Forms a small Muslim state in Anatolia Lands expanded through alliances, conquest, & purchase of land Success based on gunpowder = success Muskets & cannons Into Byzantium

4 Empire Orkhan I, Osman’s son, declared sultan or overlord or one with power Rule peoples through local officials & improve living standards The beginning of the Ottoman Empire


6 Suleyman I Rules empire to its greatest extent
A superb military leader 1521-2: dominates the eastern Mediterranean Uses naval power to take coastal areas of North Africa 1526: Pushed empire to outskirts of Vienna, Austria


8 Suleyman created an efficient government & social structure
Creates a civil & criminal law code Limited taxes & simplified bureaucracy (uses slaves) Devshirme policy Conquered Christian boys educated, converted, & trained as soldiers Creates an elite & loyal force called Janissaries The Lawgiver

9 Culture Freedom of worship granted to all
Mainly Christians & Jews Communities treated as millets, or nations Suleyman I encouraged cultural achievements = education, architecture, etc. Mosque of Suleyman: four schools, a library, a bath and a hospital

10 Slow Decline Despite gains, empire loses land
Suleyman kills his ablest son & exiles another Selim II inherits throne = incompetent Practice of killing brothers & imprisoning sons established = long line of weak sultans Empire lasts until 1918

11 `

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