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Presentation on theme: "CARBOHYDRATES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Carbohydrates Made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio
Primary fuel source for body cells Divided into two main classes: Simple sugars Complex sugars


4 GLUCOSE Also called hexose or dextrose
Principle building block of all other carbohydrates Typically exists in the ring form

5 FRUCTOSE Also called levulose Isomer of glucose
Metabolized into glucose by the liver Small amounts are converted into glycogen, lactic acid, or fat Found in fruit, honey, and high fructose corn syrup

6 GALACTOSE Not usually found free in nature in large quantities
Isomer of glucose Typically found as a subunit of lactose Converted to glucose by the liver Used as an immediate energy source or is stored as glycogen

7 Other Monosaccharides
Ribose Five carbon sugar Used in the formation of RNA Very little present in our diet Deoxyribose Used in the formation of DNA Not considered a nutrient of our diet since our bodies can make all that it ever needs.


9 MALTOSE Constructed by a condensation reaction
Composed of two glucose molecules Possesses an alpha bond Commonly produced by fermentation reactions called malting Most maltose digested is the result of starch digestion

10 SUCROSE Constructed by a condensation reaction
Composed of one glucose and one fructose Possesses an alpha bond Commonly called table sugar and is found in plants such as sugar cane and maple syrup Purified to form brown, white, and powdered sugars

11 LACTOSE Constructed by a condensation reaction
Composed of one glucose and one galactose Possesses a beta bond Beta bonds are difficult to digest Primary sugar in milk and milk products

12 OLIGOSACCHARIDES 3-10 monosaccharides: raffinose and stachyose
Found in beans and legumes Not digested by the body Metabolized by bacteria in the large intestine Raffinose=galactose+glucose+fruc tose Stachyose=galactose+galactose+ glucose+fructose

13 POLYSACCHARIDES Digestible polysaccharides:
Starch Amylose Amylopectin Glycogen Non-digestible polysaccharides: fibers Soluble fiber Insoluble fiber

14 STARCHES 3000 monosaccharides Contain alpha bonds
Amylose is straight chain Amylopectin is branched chain High Glycemic Index

15 GLYCOGEN Storage form of glucose in animals and humans
Structure is similar to amylopectin but with more complex branching Numerous alpha bonds Found in liver (400 kcal) and muscles (1400 kcal)

16 Fiber Dietary fiber= fibers found naturally in foods
Functional fibers= fiber added to foods that has shown to provide health benefits Total fiber= dietary fiber + functional fiber

17 Chemical Composition of Fibers
Contain beta bonds Insoluble: not fermented Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin* Soluble: kcal/g Gum Pectin Mucilage

18 Fibers

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