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Mathematics for Computer Science MIT 6.042J/18.062J

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1 Mathematics for Computer Science MIT 6.042J/18.062J
Graphs Copyright © Radhika Nagpal, 2002. Prof. Albert Meyer & Dr. Radhika Nagpal

2 Connectivity Are two vertices connected? Is there a path from one vertex to another. How many paths are there from u to v

3 Example: MIT Buildings
Already saw one example last week Can we get from one building to another without going outside? = is the graph one connected component? = is the transitive closure =? VxV

4 Smallest Connected Graph
Question: repeat last part of MIT connected buildings question. Ask how many people did this question? Answer: n-1edges, now we can prove it

5 Smallest Connected Graph
What does this Graph look like? One answer: line Actually any tree ! Lots of choices, could easily optimize for something, e.g. congestion vs shortest distance between nodes (e.g star formation)

6 Trees Definitions:

7 In class exercise: isomorphism and connectedness false proof.

8 Cut Edge Not only concerned with whether soemthing is connected but also how easy is it to disconnect it? Fault-tolerance Definition: An edge is a cut edge if removing it from the graph

9 Cut-edge In the following graph are A or B cut edges?
Anything interesting about A or B that distinguishes them? An edge is a cut edge iff it is not part of a cycle.

10 Discussion of False Proof
Counter Example Problem with False Proof 1 Problem with False Proof 2

11 Discussion of cut-edge
Use this theorem on particular graphs In a tree, every edge is a cut edge In a mesh, no edge is a cut edge

12 Old slides 1

13 MIT Building Connections
26 13 12 10 4 8

14 MIT Building Connections
4 13 10 12 26 8 R 4 13 10 12 26 8 26 13 12 10 4 8

15 Composition using Matrices

16 Composition and Path Lengths
is the set of all pairs (a,b) such that bldg a and b are connected via < 1 other bldg In general is the set of all pairs (a,b) such that bldg a and b are connected via < k-1 other bldgs. Prove using induction Note: different if edges are not bidirectional

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