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Fig Inward flow reaction turbines

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1 Fig. 4.10 Inward flow reaction turbines
A course in Turbomachinery…………………………………..….…Lecturer: Dr.Naseer Al-Janabi 4.4 Classification of Reaction turbines The reaction turbines may be classified into the following three types, depending upon the direction of flow of water: 1. Radial flow turbines. 2. Axial flow turbines. 3. Mixed flow turbines. 4.4.1 Radial flow turbines In such turbines, the flow of water is radial i Inward flow turbines: in such turbines, the water enters the wheel at the outer periphery, and then flows inward (i.e. towards the center of the wheel). Fig Inward flow reaction turbines ii Outward flow turbines: in such turbines, the water enters at the center of the wheel, and then flows outward (i.e. towards the the outer periphery of the wheel).

2 Fig. 4.11 Outward flow reaction turbines
A course in Turbomachinery…………………………………..….…Lecturer: Dr.Naseer Al-Janabi Fig Outward flow reaction turbines EX:A retrofit Francis radial-flow hydroturbine is being designed to replace an old turbine in a hydroelectric dam. The new turbine must meet the following design restrictions in order to properly couple with the existing setup: The runner inlet radius is r2 = 8.20 ft (2.50 m) and its outlet radius is r1= 5.80 ft (1.77 m). The runner blade widths are b2 =3.00 ft (0.914 m) and b1 = 8.60 ft (2.62 m) at the inlet and outlet, respectively. The runner must rotate at N= rpm (ω = rad/s) to turn the 60-Hz electric generator. The wicket gates turn the flow by angle α2 = 33° from radial at the runner inlet, and the flow at the runner outlet is to have angle α1 between -10° and 10° from radial for proper flow through the draft tube. The volume flow rate at design conditions is 9.50 ⨯ 106 gpm (599 m3/s), and the gross head provided by the dam is Hgross = 303 ft (92.4 m). (a) Calculate the inlet and outlet runner blade angles β2 and β1, respectively, and predict the power output and required net head if irreversible losses are neglected for the case with α1 = 10° from radial (withrotation swirl).

3 A course in Turbomachinery…………………………………. …. …Lecturer: Dr
A course in Turbomachinery…………………………………..….…Lecturer: Dr.Naseer Al-Janabi (b) Repeat the calculations for the case with α1 = 0° from radial (no swirl). (c) Repeat the calculations for the case with α1 = -10° from radial (reverse swirl).

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