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American Culture ( ) Created by Mr. Johnson Mr. Johnson

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Presentation on theme: "American Culture ( ) Created by Mr. Johnson Mr. Johnson"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Culture (1801-1850) Created by Mr. Johnson Mr. Johnson
U.S. History

2 Objectives 2.02 – Describe the growth of nationalism and sectionalism as reflected in art, literature and language.

3 Themes & Terms Macro Concepts Micro Concepts Factual Content Conflict
Style Micro Concepts Nationalism Sectionalism Transcendentalism The Common Man Factual Content Noah Webster Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Neoclassical Architecture Washington Irving Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne James Fenimore Cooper Hudson River School of Artists Alexis de Tocqueville Knickerbocker School

4 Thomas Cole’s The Course of Empire

5 The Savage State

6 The Arcadian or Pastoral State

7 The Consummation

8 Destruction

9 Desolation

10 American Art

11 Hudson River School Hudson Valley, NY Themes
Landscapes Settlement Nature as a manifestation of God “Luminescence” Thomas Cole

12 Twilight in the Wilderness – Frederick Church

13 Kindred Spirits – Asher Durand

14 Hudson River Scene – Asher Durand

15 Daniel Boone – Thomas Cole

16 Evening in Arcady – Thomas Cole

17 View on the Catskill – Thomas Cole

18 View from Mount Holyoke – Thomas Cole

19 George Catlin Portraits Fascinated with Native Americans
Traveled the same route as the Lewis & Clark expedition

20 She Who Bathes Her Knees

21 Four Bears

22 Ah-yaw-ne-tak-oár-ron

23 White Cloud

24 Gilbert Stuart Portraits of founding fathers



27 Theater

28 Minstrel Shows Blackface Racial stereotypes Irreverent humor
Buffonery “Happy slave” Irreverent humor African influence on American dance & music

29 Spike Lee’s “Bamboozled”

30 A Nation’s Architecture

31 Neoclassical Architecture
Drawing from the “best” of Greek & Roman architecture Desire for a great and lasting government Political similarities to Greece and Rome State Capitol - Raleigh

32 Classical Orders Doric Ionic Corinthian

33 Roman Colosseum

34 Roman Pantheon

35 Roman Pantheon

36 Cincinnatus

37 Federal Hall – New York

38 Second Bank of the U.S. – Philadelphia

39 Monticello

40 U.S. Capitol, 1800

41 U.S. Capitol, 1856

42 U.S. Capitol Today

43 U.S. Capitol Dome

44 Apotheosis of George Washington

45 The White House, 1820

46 The White House Today

47 Greenough’s Statue of Washington
1840 Modeled on Zeus Controversial Reaction Outrage – indecency/lack of clothing Anti-democratic – depiction as a god Humor – “He’s reaching for his clothes!”

48 "Did anybody ever see Washington naked. It is inconceivable…
"Did anybody ever see Washington naked! It is inconceivable…. I imagine [he] was born with his clothes on and his hair powdered, and made a stately bow on his first appearance in the world." -Nathaniel Hawthorne

49 Houdon’s Statue of Washington
Richmond, VA state house Fasces Cincinnatus

50 American Language & Literature

51 Noah Webster Blue-Backed Speller (1783)
An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) Standardized American English; used in schools

52 Literary Styles Romanticism Transcendentalism Beauty Emotion
Imagination Transcendentalism Nature Spirituality Self-reliance

53 Washington Irving Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

54 Rip Van Winkle

55 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

56 Sleepy Hollow Cemetery

57 Knickerbocker School “School” of writers Founded by Irving
Literature of the common man NYC and the northeast as the essence of American culture

58 Edgar Allan Poe Stories of the macabre; “dark romanticism”
One of the first short story writers First modern mystery & detective stories

59 “The Raven”

60 “The Fall of the House of Usher”

61 “The Telltale Heart”

62 “The Cask of Amontillado”

63 James Fenimore Cooper Leatherstocking Tales
Series of novels featuring the hero Natty Bumppo (“Hawkeye”) Includes The Last of the Mohicans Frontier life: pioneers & Native Americans Inaccurate but sympathetic portrait of Native American life


65 Cole’s Scenes from Last of the Mohicans

66 Cole’s Scenes from Last of the Mohicans

67 The Transcendentalists
Emerson & Thoreau Man is essentially good Self-reliance & individualism Intuition and spirituality over reason “Oversoul” “Man is not a farmer, or a professor, or an engineer, but he is all”

68 Ralph Waldo Emerson Poet & essayist
Speech: “The American Scholar” (1837) Urges scholars to create a new, uniquely American culture independent of Europe “Intellectual Declaration of Independence” “Self-Reliance” – independent thinking Spiritual matters over material matters

69 Henry David Thoreau Walden, or Life in the Woods (1854)
Transcendentalist classic Civil Disobedience (1849) “Under a government which imprisons unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison” Slavery and the Mexican-American War

70 Walden Pond “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.”

71 “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

72 Thoreau’s Cabin Reconstructed

73 Nathaniel Hawthorne Critic of Transcendentalists The Scarlet Letter
Sin Weakness of human nature The Scarlet Letter The House of Seven Gables

74 The Scarlet Letter

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