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What do we already know about story

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2 What do we already know about story
elements? What do we know about inferencing?

3 Good readers look for clues!
What is an inference?   You make an inference when you use         clues from the story to figure out         something that the author doesn't         tell you.     When you make an inference, be         able to identify the clues that you          used.

4 Step 1 Story Personal Experiences Elements Pictures
These are your CLUES!

5 Does your answer make sense?
Step 2: Make a guess! Step 3: Does your answer make sense? I think …

6 Yes, Braidy can help you make inferences!
What do you already know about the character? What do you already know about the setting? Do you understand what happened that was different or unusual that day? Are the feelings stated in the story? Or do you need to infer the feelings from your clues? Can you draw from your personal experiences with feelings? Is the reason for the plan stated in the story? Look for signal words called causal ties: so and because therefore These are often part of the Critical Thinking Triangle.

7 = Use your clues! What is the kick-off? Step 1: Use what you know
What do you already know about the kick-off of any story? It’s something different or unusual that happens in that setting one day/night. + What do the words tell us? “The cold winds howl and the night sounds growl.” + What do the pictures show us? Step 2: Make a guess. = There was a blizzard outside. Step 3: Does that make sense?

8 = Use your clues! What was the animals’ response (feeling)?
Step 1: Use what you know Where were the animals? Bear was in his cave. The other animals were outside. + What was happening outside? A blizzard. + Have you ever been in a blizzard? How does a blizzard feel? Cold, wet, miserable. = Step 2: Make a guess. They were freezing! Step 3: Does that make sense?

9 ? Use your clues! What was the animals’ plan?
Step 1: Use what you know There’s a blizzard outside. The animals are freezing. Bear’s cave is nearby, (and Bear is a friend). ? What would YOU do? Step 2: Make a guess. Go into the cave. = Step 3: Does that make sense?

10 Causal ties because so because and therefore so therefore because
there was a blizzard outside because so because the animals crawled in the cave to get warm and therefore they were freezing so therefore because


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