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Presentation on theme: "GRAND DESIGNS."— Presentation transcript:


2 NAME: Grand Designs WHAT: Students will learn about architectural and design styles to plan, design and build a model of a tiny house.  They will learn the environment benefits of ‘living tiny’, research to cost the materials needed, measure and create a model to present to buyers; including a design board illustrating the proposed interior colours, patterns and textures.  They will also prepare a brief explaining the design elements and style choices they have made. CURRICULUM AREAS: English, Maths, Design Technology, Visual Arts

3 architectural and design styles

4 plan, design and build a model of a tiny house

5 research to cost the materials needed

6 measure and create a model to present to buyers

7 design board illustrating the
proposed interior colours, patterns and textures

8 prepare a brief explaining the design elements and style choices

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