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Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49.

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1 Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49

2 Physical Science April 25, 2017 Student Planner
Place this in the proper place Makeup points on notebook if done this Friday.


4 Going to use tobacco? Here is some advice

5 Essential Question: Which planets have rings?
Write your summary from Last Class’s notes on Last Class’s paper. Last class’s EQ was: Essential Question: Which planets have rings?

6 Summary (notes of Monday 4-24):
We had a standard opening. We finished the dwarf planets, and started filling the Solar System booklet on the moon I learned

7 Astronomy Essential Question: Where do comets come from?
Topic/Objective: Name: Astronomy Class/Period: Date: April 25, 2017 Essential Question: Where do comets come from?

8 Warm Up

9 1. The speed of light is 300,000,000 meters per second
1. The speed of light is 300,000,000 meters per second. How far is that in kilometers ? (3x108 m/s) 3x1011 3x107 3x105 3x1012

10 2. A radio transmission from the Apollo lander on the moon took 2 seconds to reach Earth. How far is the moon from Earth? (3x108 m/s) 300,000km 600,000,000km 3x108 m/s 6x108 m 3x1016 m

11 3. Earth is 1 Astronomical units from the Sun, or 8. 3 light minutes
3. Earth is 1 Astronomical units from the Sun, or 8.3 light minutes. Mars is 12.7 light minutes from the Sun. How many AU’s is that?

12 4. An astronomical unit equals 150 million kilometers
4. An astronomical unit equals 150 million kilometers. Light moves at 300,000,000 m/s, so it would take light how long to go 1 AU in seconds?

13 Answers

14 1. The speed of light is 300,000,000 meters per second
1. The speed of light is 300,000,000 meters per second. How far is that in kilometers ? (3x108 m/s) 3x1011 3x107 3x105 3x1012

15 1. The speed of light is 300,000,000 meters per second
1. The speed of light is 300,000,000 meters per second. How far is that in kilometers ? (3x108 m/s) ,000,000/1000= 3x ,000 = 3x105 km 3x107 3x105 3x1012

16 2. A radio transmission from the Apollo lander on the moon took 2 seconds to reach Earth. How far is the moon from Earth? (3x108 m/s) 300,000km 600,000,000km 3x108 m/s 6x108 m 3x1016 m

17 2. A radio transmission from the Apollo lander on the moon took 2 seconds to reach Earth. How far is the moon from Earth? (3x108 m/s) 300,000km x108 x 2 = 6x ,000,000km 3x108 m/s 6x108 m 3x1016 m

18 3. Mars is 12.7 light minutes from the Sun. How many AU’s is that?

19 3. Earth is 1 Au from the Sun, or 8. 3 light minutes. Mars is 12
3. Earth is 1 Au from the Sun, or 8.3 light minutes. Mars is 12.7 light minutes from the Sun. How many AU’s is that?

20 3. Mars is 12.7 light minutes from the Sun. How many AU’s is that?

21 3. Earth is 1 Au from the Sun, or 8. 3 light minutes. Mars is 12
3. Earth is 1 Au from the Sun, or 8.3 light minutes. Mars is 12.7 light minutes from the Sun. How many AU’s is that? 12.7 LM / 8.3 LM/AU = 1.52 AU

22 4. An astronomical unit equals 150 million kilometers
4. An astronomical unit equals 150 million kilometers. Light moves at 300,000,000 m/s, so it would take light how long to go 1 AU in seconds?

23 4. An astronomical unit equals 150 million kilometers
4. An astronomical unit equals 150 million kilometers. Light moves at 300,000,000 m/s, so it would take light how long to go 1 AU in seconds? 150,000,000km = 150,000,000,000m 150,000,000,000m/300,000,000m/s = 500 seconds

24 Homework Draw the space objects into your Solar System booklet
Make up notebook due Friday

25 Today’s Work Astronomy notes & videos Solar System booklet

26 The moon (Luna) (page 463) Phases: Waxing - Waining Eclipse:

27 Eclipse:

28 Entries to you Solar System booklet
Comets Page 471 Kuiper-belt Oort Cloud

29 Oort Cloud

30 Comets Page 471

31 Kuiper-belt

32 Categorizing Stars Size Color & temperature Types Protostar, T Tauri Star, Main Sequence Star, Red Giant star, White Dwarf star, Red Dwarf star, Neutron Star,

33 Deep space objects Open & Globular Star Clusters Nebula Supernovas & Remnants Galaxies Quasars Pulsars Black holes

34 Questions: Notes: What space
Space objects include: Stars, planets, planetoids, objects have we asteroids, meteroids, solar/stellar wind, comets, studied? white dwarfs, neutron stars. What other Quasars: objects are in Pulsars: Space? Black holes: Vocabulary Write vocabulary words

35 Vocabulary words Star Supernova Neutron star main sequence
Black hole Red Giant Mercury Constellation Venus Blue Mars Red Saturn Nebula Jupiter White dwarf Moon

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