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1 Supplementary Document
Transmitted by the expert of OICA Document SGR rev.2 Supplementary Document “Addressing changes between U-IWVTA and L-IWVTA”  Case studies for paras and 7.5. [1] Type not affected by amendment of an individual UN-R (1) The IWVTA type concerned is not affected by the new requirements. In that case, no amendment to the type approval shall be required.

2 Model A not included in the scope of Rxx
[1] Type not affected by amendment of an individual UN-R (1) Individual UN-Rxx UN-R0 Application for approval for Model A under the individual UN-R Application for U-IWVTA for Model A Rxx 01series Amend. Rxx 01series Date(b) Rxx 01series Date(c) R0 01series Amend. R0 01series Date(b) Model A not included in the scope of Rxx In this case, it remains mandatory for CPs to accept approvals under R0/00 even after Rxx/01 Date(c); extension to R0/01 not required R0/00 U-IWVTA Original

3 [2] Type brought into compliance with an amended individual UN-R to maintain the U-IWVTA status (1) 3 The IWVTA type is affected and the manufacturer wants to maintain the universal status of the IWVTA and therefore applies for an extension of the type approval. The type approval marking shall be updated as necessary. If the type is already in compliance with the amended series of amendments to an individual UN-R at the time of amendment of UN-R0, it will be treated in the same way as the “type not affected” described in paragraph

4 [2] Type brought into compliance with an amended individual UN-R to maintain the U-IWVTA status (1) 4 Individual UN-Rxx UN-R0 Application for approval for Model A under the individual UN-R Application for U-IWVTA for Model A Rxx 01series Amend. Rxx 01series Date(b) Rxx 01series Date(c) R0 01series Amend. R0 01series Date(b) Rxx/00 Original Rxx/01 Extension(*1) (*1)Brought into compliance with Rxx/01 before its inclusion in Annex 4 of R0 R0/00 U-IWVTA Original R0/00 U-IWVTA Extension In this case, it remains mandatory for CPs to accept approvals under R0/00 even after Rxx/01 Date(c).

5 [3] Type brought into compliance with an amended individual UN-R to maintain the U-IWVTA status (2) 5 The IWVTA type is affected and the manufacturer wants to maintain the universal status of the IWVTA and therefore applies for an extension of the type approval. The type approval marking shall be updated as necessary. If the type is yet to be in compliance with the amended series of amendments to an individual UN-R, application for extension will be made to maintain the U-IWVTA status.

6 [3] Type brought into compliance with an amended individual UN-R to maintain the U-IWVTA status (2) The IWVTA type is affected and the manufacturer wants to maintain the universal status of the IWVTA and therefore applies for an extension of the type approval. The type approval marking shall be updated as necessary. Individual UN-Rxx UN-R0 Application for approval for Model A under the individual UN-R Application for U-IWVTA for Model A Rxx 01series Amend. Rxx 01series Date(b) Rxx 01series Date(c) R0 01series Amend. R0 01series Date(b) Rxx/00 Original Rxx/01 Extension (*2)Depending on whether all newly introduced requirements of R0/01 are complied with R0/00 U-IWVTA Original R0/01 or 00 U-IWVTA (*2) Extension

7 [4] 7.4.3. Type not in compliance with an amended individual UN-R; its status changed to L-IWVTA
The IWVTA type is affected but the manufacturer does not want to maintain the universal status of the IWVTA. In that case, the U-IWVTA shall be withdrawn (effective at the date the IWVTA ceases to be universal). For the continued production a new L-IWVTA shall be issued. However, when granting this new L-IWVTA, transitional provisions of UN R0 and UN Regulations listed in Annex 4 shall be interpreted as if an existing IWVTA were extended.

8 Becomes invalid at Date (c)
[4] Type not in compliance with an amended individual UN-R; its status changed to L-IWVTA 8 Individual UN-Rxx UN-R0 No updated application for approval for Model A under the individual UN-R Application for L-IWVTA for Model A Rxx 01series Amend. Rxx 01series Date(b) Rxx 01series Date(c) R0 01series Amend. R0 01series Date(b) Rxx/00 Original Notification to TAA on the change from U-IWVTA to L-IWVTA R0/00 U-IWVTA Becomes invalid at Date (c) R0/00 U-IWVTA R0/01 L-IWVTA E43*0R00/U*0025/01*00 E43*0R01/L*0025/02*00

9 [5] 7.4.4. Type partially maintaining the U-IWVTA status and partially changed to L-IWVTA
In the case the manufacturer wants to pursue both options, … at the same time for different portions of his production, the type approval has to be split due to definition of an IWVTA type. … In this case the existing U-IWVTA shall be extended and remain a U-IWVTA for the portion of the production that is modified to meet the newly applicable requirements. For the portion of the production that remains unchanged a new L-IWVTA with a new approval number shall be issued. …

10 [5] 7.4.4. Type partially maintaining the U-IWVTA status and partially changed to L-IWVTA
Individual UN-Rxx UN-R0 Type for Model A under the individual UN-R Applications for extension of U-IWVTA + issue of L-IWVTA Rxx 01series Amend. Rxx 01series Date(b) Rxx 01series Date(c) Notification to TAA on the type’s partial maintenance of the U-IWVTA and partial change to new L-IWVTA R0 01series Amend. R0 01series Date(b) Rxx/00 Original Rxx/00 Original Rxx/01 Extension R0/00 U-IWVTA Extension E43*0R00/U*0025/01*01 R0/00 U-IWVTA Original R0/01 L-IWVTA Original E43*0R01/L*0025/02*00 E43*0R00/U*0025/01*00

11 [7] 7.5. Change from L to U (new inclusion in R0, etc.)
7.5. (In the case of change from L-IWVTA to U-IWVTA) In the case a manufacturer performs technical changes on a type of vehicle which was covered by a L-IWVTA such that the vehicle now meets the requirements for the universal level a new U-IWVTA shall be issued. The pre-existing L-IWVTA can be continued or withdrawn if no longer needed. In the process of granting the new U-IWVTA, the following rules shall be respected : the technical requirements for an existing vehicle type apply to all equipment and parts already approved in accordance with versions of the UN Regulations listed in Part A, Section I, Annex 4 and included in the pre-existing L-IWVTA provided no change has been made on the relevant equipment and parts resulting in a new type. (labelled “U-item” in the following slides) the technical requirements for a new vehicle type apply in all other cases (labelled “L-item” in the following slides)

12 …no other deviations from U-Level
[7] 7.5. a) Change from L to U (within same version of R0) Individual UN-Rxx required for U-IWVTA UN-R0 Content of IWVTA IWVTA for Model A R48/06 R94/02 R127/01 R0 00series R48/06 U-item R94/01 L-item no R127 approval L-item …no other deviations from U-Level R94/02 Extension R127/01 Original (*3)L-IWVTA due to non-compliance with R94/02 and missing R127 R0/00 L-IWVTA Original(*3) R0/00 U-IWVTA Original E43*0R00/L*0025/01*00 E43*0R00/U*0025/01*00

13 …no other deviations from U-Level
[7] 7.5. b) Change from L to U (including new version of R0) (case 1) Individual UN-Rxx required for U-IWVTA UN-R0 Content of IWVTA IWVTA for Model A R48/06 R94/02 R127/01 … + R48/07 no date (c) R94/03 has date (c) R1xx new, date (c) via R0 R94/03 date (c) R0 00series R0 01series R48/06 U-item R94/01 L-item no R127 approval L-item …no other deviations from U-Level R94/03 Extension R127/01 Original (*4)L-IWVTA due to non-compliance with R94/02 and missing R127 until date (c) of R1xx R0/00 L-IWVTA Original(*4) R0/00 U-IWVTA Original E43*0R00/L*0025/01*00 E43*0R00/U*0025/01*00

14 …no other deviations from U-Level
[7] 7.5. b) Change from L to U (including new version of R0) (case 2) Individual UN-Rxx required for U-IWVTA UN-R0 Content of IWVTA IWVTA for Model A R48/06 R94/02 R127/01 … + R48/07 no date (c) R94/03 has date (c) R1xx new, date (c) via R0 R94/03 date (c) R0 00series R0 01series date (b) R48/07 Extension R48/05 L-item R94/01 L-item no R127 approval L-item …no other deviations from U-Level R94/03 Extension R127/01 Original (*5)L-IWVTA due to non-compliance with R48/06 + R94/02 and missing R127 until date (c) of R1xx R0/00 L-IWVTA Original(*5) R0/00 U-IWVTA Original E43*0R00/L*0025/01*00 E43*0R00/U*0025/01*00

15 …no other deviations from U-Level
[7] 7.5. b) Change from L to U (including new version of R0) (case 2) Individual UN-Rxx required for U-IWVTA UN-R0 Content of IWVTA IWVTA for Model A R48/06 R94/02 R127/01 … + R48/07 no date (c) R94/03 has date (c) R1xx new, date (c) via R0 R94/03 date (c) R0 00series R0 01series date (b) R48/07 Extension R48/05 L-item R94/01 L-item no R127 approval L-item …no other deviations from U-Level R94/03 Extension R127/01 Original R1xx/00 Original (*6)L-IWVTA due to non-compliance with R48/06 + R94/02 and missing R127 R0/01 U-IWVTA Original R0/00 L-IWVTA Original(*6) E43*0R01/U*0025/01*00 E43*0R00/L*0025/01*00

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