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Use Case #1: Mobile Virtual Desktop

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1 Use Case #1: Mobile Virtual Desktop
Song Woo Sok, ETRI Sun Wook Kim, ETRI Final Review Meeting October 10, Seoul

2 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Outline VDI Overview Analysis of VDI limitations for MVD MVD Overview Enabling Technologies for MVD Service Challenges for MVD Use case Solutions Provided by BASMATI Contribution of BASMATI Components Demo of MVD Use case Evaluation results The presentation consists of following contents. First, I will introduce a Virtual Desktop Service and limitations of VDI. Second, I will talk about the mobile virtual desktop service on federated clouds. Also, I will explain our solutions and contribution for MVD Service by BASMATI And lastly, I'll show the demonstration and evaluation results of MVD service by BASMATI 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 2

3 Architecture of VDI Service
VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Overview VDI provides the virtual desktops to users as a service in the single cloud environment. Enables the users to access their virtual desktop anywhere and anytime Hosting a desktop operating system within a virtual machine running on a centralized server(Bare metal server). Three core entities: (i) the VDI client, (ii) the VDI server,(iii) the VDI center First of all, I'd like to talk about overview of cloud-based virtual desktop service. This slide shows the definition of desktop virtualization and architecture of VDI. As you know, VDI stands for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. It virtualizes desktop computers and these virtual desktop environments are "served" to users on the network. The VDI server is based on a bare metal server. The vdi consist of the VDI-Client, VDI-server, vdi-center Architecture of VDI Service 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 3

4 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Analysis of VDI limitations for MVD Existing VDI service is deployed on bare-metal server Difficult to manage and change the deployment status Hard to scale up/down to keep up with users’ requirements But VDI has some limitations for providing virtual desktop service based on federated clouds The vdi service is deployed on bare-metal server, but most Cloud service provider provides the virtual server, not bare-metal server. So, It is difficult to manage its deployment And, If a user travels to distant location, the user experience will be degraded because of longer response time To solve this problems, It should exploit virtual resources of cloud services around the world Then, the user virtual desktop should be run on the resources near the user’s location. Solution Use virtual resources of cloud services around the world Migrate MVD instances to near the user 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 4

5 BASMATI Final Review meeting
MVD (Mobile Virtual Desktop) Overview MVD service provides virtual desktop service guaranteeing stable QoS to moving users with the federated cloud resources This is the concept and service flow of MVD service based on federated clouds MVD exploits multiple clouds’ virtual resources to migrate user’s virtual desktop instance to near the user’s location. Service flow of MVD 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 5

6 MVD Service Infrastructure with BASMATI platform
MVD Service Components MVD service consists of three kinds of components A connection manager Multiple VDI Hosts running on different clouds MVD client MVD service consists of three components. It follows as MVD- connection manager, MVD-server based on VM and MVD- Client BASMATI provide virtual resources to MVD server MVD Service Infrastructure with BASMATI platform 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 6

7 Enabling Technologies for MVD Service #1
Exploiting Virtual Resources Installing MVD packages in the Host VM, instead of the bare metal server Nested Virtualization Enables executing virtualization within virtualized resources This slied shows the service server architecture of MVD use case. The Nested virtualization is the act of running a hypervisor inside a virtual machine. Nested virtualization can be useful for running multiple hypervisors on the same host server So, we use the Nested-KVM technology to support MVD service on federated clouds and service migration,. We install the our service SW for MVD in Host VM instead of the bare metal server The old MVD Server Architecture MVD Service Server Architecture based on the nested virtualization 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 7

8 MVD migration based on nested virtualization
Enabling Technologies for MVD Service #2 MVD migration technology Creating VM images based on backing image and recording changes as overlay images Moving only overlay images between Hosts to migrate VMs MVD client application for android and iOS This slied shows the MVD migration technology based on virtual resources. To support migration of MVD, we create the user’s virtual desktop based backing image and record the changes as overlay images Also, we develop the MVD mobile apps based on android and iOS for supporting various terminal MVD migration based on nested virtualization 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 8

9 Connection Manager of MVD with BASMATI
Enabling Technologies for MVD Service #3 MVD Connection Manager Service authentication and Hosts management Keeps tracking the connection information of user VDIs Connects user to his/her VDI instance wherever it is Also, we modify the service flow and develop the connection manager to support MVD service based on nested virtualization. This connection manager provides the user and admin portal to manage the user information for service authentication and migration The admin portal provide the status of MVD in each public clouds and logging information of MVD by users. The user portal provide the connection management between MVD and Users. If user want to move user’s MVD service region, user can select the region to be moved by user portal. Connection Manager of MVD with BASMATI 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 9

10 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Requirements of MVD Use Case Minimizing response time MVD experience is heavily affected by response delay for user interactions. Optimizing costs Without compromising user experience, the operational costs should be reduced. Satisfying specific H/W requirements Since it uses nested virtualization, it should be provided with special type of resources which supports the technology. This slide shows the requirements of MVD use case on federated clouds To provide the best mvd user experience, we must consider minimizing response time of user interactions. Also, mvd service require the optimizing cost and specific HW features. 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 10

11 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Challenges for MVD Use Case Minimizing response time The Hosts should be deployed on virtual resources of ①different CSPs on different regions. Then the user VDI can be moved among the regions through MVD migration technology. Optimizing costs The amount of resources should be ②varied dynamically to keep up with users’ requests To do that, the ③deployment procedures should be automated. Satisfying specific H/W requirements Virtual resources supporting ④nested virtualization should be identified and assigned automatically To minimize response time, The Hosts should be deployed on virtual resources of different CSPs on different regions depending on user’s location. Also, To optimize the cost and satisfy hw features, the virtual resources should be identified and deployed automatically. 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 11

12 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Solutions for MVD provided by BASMATI #1 ①different CSPs on different regions MVD app is divided into multiple BEAM documents A BEAM for Connection Manager Multiple BEAMs for each region’s MVD Hosts Can be managed region by region Manageable, Scalable and To provide the solutions for MVD by BASMATI, we define the multiple BEAM documents for MVD. One is the a BEAM for Connection Manager, the others are Multiple BEAMs for each region’s MVD Hosts. To support scale-up and down of MVD service infrastructure, BASMATI supports replication of resources with scalability engine feature. ②varied dynamically BASMATI supports replication of resources with scalability engine feature All Hosts have a scalability engine scaleup/scaledown API is provided to change the amount of deployed resources BASMATI Final Review meeting 12

13 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Solutions for MVD provided by BASMATI #2 ③automated deployment BEAM supports initial scripts All required files should be accessible through internet BASMATI will execute the initial scripts when the resource is allocated Also, To support the automated deployment, we define the initial scripts for MVD and BASMATI will execute the initial scripts when the resource is allocated. BASMATI identifies the fields and recommends fit resources for nested virtualization based on BEAM ④nested virtualization BEAM supports specific requirements fields. BASMATI identifies the fields and recommends fit resources. BASMATI Final Review meeting 13

14 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Contribution of BASMATI Components for MVD Use Case #1 BEAM (BASMATI Enhanced Application Model) Providing the way to describe application includes its structure and requirements Decision Maker with Business Logic Generating optimal Deployment plans SLA Management Detecting SLA Violation and reflecting to future resource selections Resource Broker Selecting best-fit candidates among currently available resources Controlling the priorities of the candidates based on fast records about SLA violation BASMATI Final Review meeting 14

15 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Contribution of BASMATI Components for MVD Use Case #2 Application repository Storing BEAMs, Deployment plans, Deployment status and application-specific files Application Controller Managing deployment status of MVD application Federation Monitoring Collecting resources’ status and detecting violations Cloud Management Platform Managing multiple CSPs across multiple regions Enabling deployment process of MVD application BASMATI Workspace Providing user interface to manage Application’s BEAM and deployment, and status of deployed resources. BASMATI Final Review meeting 15

16 BASMATI Final Review meeting
MVD use case Demonstration Flow Manage all CSPs, Applications, Services BASMATI Platform BASMATI Admin BASMATI Workspace Manage own Applications, Services Deploy and Manage MVD Application MVD Admin MVD Service Manage MVD Service infrastructure MVD Workspace Manage own MVD instances MVD Users BASMATI Final Review meeting 16

17 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation methods Interviews Automated tests and manual tests Performance measurements Monitoring metrics Component level evaluation Added value Technical aspects evaluation Mapping and fulfillment of project objectives 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 17

18 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation criteria Functional suitability Functional completeness Functional correctness Performance Time behavior Resource utilization Compatibility Interoperability Modularity Adaptability Usability Recognizability Lernability Operability User error protection User interfacce design Reliability Availability Monitoring Fault tolerance Recoverability Security Data storage Data transport System administration Maintainability Analysability Modifiability Testability Installability Overall Documentation 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 18

19 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation results Functional suitability: very good Performance: good VM allocation and service installation < 5 minutes. Installation procedure includes downloading a 15GB-size file – it took much time. Scaling Up MVD Host < 5 minutes. Compatibility: No restriction 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 19

20 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation results Usability: Some pre-knowledge is needed to use BASMATI and BEAM correctly, The UI can be improved Reliability: excellent Almost 100% available during the pilot service Security: System access are restricted to registered users. For communication, SSH protection is used. Maintainability: good Overall Ease of use: required some domain knowledges Usefulness: Very useful Documentation: Available 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 20

21 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation results Overall the use case development, deployment and operation with BASMATI was very efficient and reliable. Support from BASMATI partners was needed to understand how to use the platform. After we used to the platform, we could easily create and manages applications on it. Some graphical interfaces could be improved but all the functions were working properly. 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 21

22 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Acknowledgements: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no and from ICT R&D program of Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning no. R Visit us: 16 April 2019 BASMATI Final Review meeting 23

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