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Credential Data Collection Video Training Session

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1 2017-2018 Credential Data Collection Video Training Session
Career and Technical Education Industry Credential Data Collection Virginia Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education Richmond, Virginia April 5, 2018 Good afternoon. Welcome to the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education of the Virginia Department of Education's video technical assistance session. I am Mark Burnet, CTE Data Accountability Specialist.

2 Agenda Virginia’s Industry Credentialing Systems
Types of Industry Credentials Reporting Procedures Data Verification Procedures to assure accuracy School Report Card References and assistance This afternoon we will focus on the Career and Technical Education Industry Credential Data Collection. Today we will be talking about the procedures for school division to submit data into Virginia’s Industry Credentialing System. We will review types of industry credentials, reporting procedures, the data verification process, procedures to assure accuracy, the School Report Card, and references, and to provide you with assistance.

3 Types of Credentials Full Industry Certification, from a recognized industry, trade, or professional association validating essential skills of a particular occupation (A+ CompTIA, Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP); Pathway Industry Certification, which may consist of entry-level exams as a component of a suite of exams in an industry certification program leading toward full certification (Automotive Service Excellence, (ASE); The types of CTE credentials include Full Industry Certifications, Pathway Industry Certifications;

4 More types of Credentials
Occupational competency assessment, a national standardized assessment of knowledge and skills in a specific career and/or technical area (such as those issued by NOCTI or SkillsUSA); State-Issued Professional License, required for entry into a specific occupation as determined by a Virginia state licensing agency (Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Occupational Competency Assessment and State-Issued Professional License.

5 Purpose of Reporting Accountability
School Report Card for Responsible Schools Annual Performance Report for Serving Schools (APR) Data Analysis Report (DAR) Program Improvement Credentialing reporting is high stakes because it is used in calculations for both accountability and funding. It is also a measure of the effectiveness of your instructional programming. In addition, it is a valuable commodity to your student for their future employment.

6 Data Collection Steps Industry credentialing data must be submitted in the SSWS Credentialing Data Collection System between May 1, 2018 and July 31, 2018 This process is largely unchanged from last year. Industry credentialing data must be submitted in the Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS) Credentialing Data Collection System between May 1, 2018 and July 31, 2018.

7 Data in SIS For more divisions, this information is recorded into the Student Information System (SIS) and paired to a student’s State Testing Identifier. Regional centers must verify data reported by the responsible school division. The STI, or Student Test Identifier, should be verified for accuracy before the last day of school. Regional centers must report credential information to the student’s home school in order for this data to be reported. The regional centers should verify the accuracy of this data reported on their behalf by the responsible school division. This may require reviewing each time a division resubmits their data.

8 Data Record Layout The record layout for the SSWS Credentialing Data Collection System should be reviewed to determine which data fields must be collected for students who are taking external tests. Many Student information Systems will export a file that can be used in the CTECC data submission process. The correctness of this file will reflect the accuracy of the data entry that is being performed in your schools throughout the year and especially this spring.

9 Data File Sample The extract used in this year’s submission is the same as the record layout from your local data system for this year. This is a sample data file layout.

10 Data file format parts The data file is a text file with no blank spaces or extra tabs File has four parts: Header A record B records Record count Reference: CTERS User’s Manual, page 23. It includes the SCED code and Virginia Extended Description. The header has seven lines. The A record has one line and B records have one line for each credential attempt by a student. The record count is equal to the total number of lines for all A and B records and is listed on one line. Review page 23 of the CTERS User’s Manual for details.

11 Data file editing The data file may be corrected using a text editor like NotePad++; BBEdit for the Mac; or any other text editor that provides line numbering. Programs like WORD and Excel should be avoided because they generate hidden characters and tabs in the file. Many school divisions store credential testing information in the student information system. If corrections are required after extracting this data to a text file then this file may be directly edited before submission. Do not use programs like WORD and Excel as they generate hidden characters and tabs in the file.

12 Correct Errors Check the file for typos, blank lines and spaces
Review data submission error messages Repost data with corrections to overwrite the previous data submission The final file for submission may have no blank lines, tabs or extra spaces or an error will be generated during the data file submission. The submission error messages will help you target errors for correction. Once the file is 100% accurate, reposting will overwrite the previous submission.

13 Workplace Readiness Skills
Remember that the Workplace Readiness Skills (WRS) for the Commonwealth test should not be included in this data submission. The WRS is reported by CTECS directly to the VDOE in late summer. Remember that the Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth test should NOT be included in this data submission. The WRS is reported by CTECS directly to the VDOE in late summer. Once the CTECS reported data is received by the VDOE, it is loaded into the SSWS system and then is included in all credentialing reports.

14 Workplace Readiness Skills Extended Testing Schedule
REMINDER - The Workplace Readiness Skills (WRS) Assessment for the Commonwealth test has an Extended Testing Schedule. The optional testing schedule will be available through July 31, 2018. Just a reminder of the optional testing schedule that will be available through July 31, 2018 for the Workplace Readiness Skills Assessment for the Commonwealth.

15 Data accuracy State CTE course codes and exams codes must be valid for the current school year. Please review all course SCED and exam codes for validity and accuracy. Even though a course was valid in last year’s file, it may have been a course that is no longer current.

16 Review Submissions Validate the data submission by a detailed review of all reports in the “SSWS Reports” section of the CTECC data collection application. After a successful submission, you can validate the data submission by a detailed review of all reports in the SSWS Reports section of the CTECC data collection application.

17 Review Reports School Report Card for Industry Credentials Earned and Occupational Assessments Passed by Students Credentialing Student Data By CTE Course For CTE Completers: CTE Completer Industry Testing Rates The School Report Card will reflect this information on the VDOE Web site in early September. Carefully review these reports for what they show and what is missing. The first two on this slide show counts for all CTE students and the third is specifically for your CTE Finishers. The CTE Finisher counts are based on the students designated as CTE Completers on your Completer Demographic Report. So, these reports will not display completer data until after the End-of Year Student Record Collection has been successfully submitted. If you work with a regional center, please provide them with reports on their student’s credentials that you are reporting on their behalf. They will need to review and validate this information about students attending the regional center.

18 Check consistency Review data for inconsistencies such as:
A non-CTE classes paired with a credential. Remember that the Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth test should not be included in this data submission. In these reports, look for any groups of students or exams that may be missing from your report. Are all schools represented? Are there inconsistencies? Resubmit your file as needed to overwrite all information shown in these reports for this year.

19 Reference materials CTERS User’s Manual. Procedures for CTECC Appendix listing of valid course codes Please review the documentation linked on the next two slides for details on the collection process. This includes the CTERS User’s Manual linked here with procedures for CTECC and the appendix listing of valid course codes.

20 More Reference materials
SSWS Examination Number listing: The SSWS Examination Number listing is linked here.

21 Virginia’s Credentialing Initiative
State-wide, the trend for the number of credentials attempted has steadily increased, as you are likely to see reflected in your division data too.

22 Pass Rates of Exams Attempted vs Earned
Similarly, the pass rate increases we are seeing reflect the greater success of our students with this valuable method of assessment.

23 Summary Conducting a thorough review of all data in your school division’s information system before submission will provide all stakeholders with accurate data for funding allocations and decision making. Note: Early validation of all data will ensure accuracy when producing reports. In summary of today’s session, review and validate credential data early enough for all the interested parties to review it and make sure that it's accurate and correct. With this you will have a successful year and a good data submission.

24 Session Evaluation Please take a few minutes to provide feedback about the benefit of this technical assistance video streaming session. Your input will be useful in our planning efforts for future video training sessions. The Survey Monkey link for the online evaluation is We would ask that you would take a couple of minutes to complete the online survey at We value your feedback and use that information to continuously improve the quality of the technical assistance sessions that are offered.

25 Contact Us For questions about CTE data collection and reporting requirements, please contact: George R. Willcox, Acting Director Mark Burnet, CTE Data Specialist Joseph Ryder, Research Analyst Virginia Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education P. O. Box 2120 Richmond, VA (office) (fax) And as always, please contact us with questions and clarifications when you need assistance. We certainly thank you again for participating in today's session and wish you a very successful end of the school year.

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