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Who are aliens? Does the constitution give them rights? Complete?

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Presentation on theme: "Who are aliens? Does the constitution give them rights? Complete?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who are aliens? Does the constitution give them rights? Complete?

2 Speech What is libel? What is slander? What is sedition?
Is it protected speech? Schenck vs. US Clear and present danger Crowded movie theater

3 Obscenity Average person says it incites lust Specific law
Has no value Miller v. California

4 Prior Restraint Government cannot stop someone before it happens in regard to language, written or spoken Pentagon Papers To stop printing must be heavy presumption Shield laws – reporters do not have to divulge their sources Radio and TV – most restrictions Why?

5 Assemble Civil disobedience Must be peaceful Public property

6 Freedom of association
Right of association – right to associate with others to promote political economics and other causes Can the Boy Scouts exclude homosexuals?

7 Right to Privacy Roe v Wade – most important application of case

8 Probable Cause Automobiles – can they be searched without a warrant?
Exclusionary rule – evidence gained illegally is not admissible in court Mapp v. Ohio – illegal material not on warrant cannot be used in court

9 Rights of the accused Writ of habeas corpus – must show cause for why prisoner has to be jailed - told what you are being tried for Bill of attainder – punishment without a trial Can the US torture the captives in Guantanamo Bay? Ex post facto laws – law passed after crime

10 Cruel or Unusual Punishment
Death Penalty ok? Louisiana v. Resweber – Not giving an inmate his medicine? Treason -

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