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Cougar PRIDE Valley Wide.

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Presentation on theme: "Cougar PRIDE Valley Wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cougar PRIDE Valley Wide

2 Welcome to the Cottonwood Creek Family Game Night & Title I Annual Meeting

3 Tonight’s Agenda 5:30 Eat Dinner 5:50 Title 1 Presentation
6:00 Visit PTO table, lunch table, play games & visit the photo booth 6:55 Pull winners for the drawing 7:00 Have a nice evening

4 Presentation Overview
What is Title I? Funding How you can get involved The year ahead

5 Title I Purpose Section 1001 of ESEA Title I, Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged States, “The purpose of this title is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach , at a minimum, proficiency in challenging state academic standards and on the state academic assessments.

6 40% of students must be eligible for Free/Reduced lunch.
Title I Qualification 40% of students must be eligible for Free/Reduced lunch. Data is pulled at the end of January for the following year qualification. Cottonwood Creek was at 46% Free/Reduced lunch last year

7 Funding Requirements:
Four Target Areas Instruction Professional Development Family Involvement Activities Extra Curricular Activities /After School Clubs Title I funds are used for school wide programs that impact all kids.

8 Some examples of how the Title I funds are being used this year:
PRIDE Tutors Technology Licenses Chromebooks Social/Emotional/Behavioral Support Family Involvement Nights

9 Family Involvement Nights
Game Night Selfies with Santa STEAM Night BINGO for Books

10 How You Can Get Involved
Complete the Free/Reduced Meal Application Join the PTO (The first Tuesday of the month) Participate in school-wide events Help your child have a quiet place to study

11 General Cottonwood Creek Information
Office hours are from 8:45- 4:30 The doors open with the first bell at 9:00 / 9:15 announcements 3:45 K /1 bell rings, 3:50 2nd - 5th released CCAS Enrollment 450 School Dismissal Manager Quick Cards for pick up lane

12 How are we doing? MAP Fall 2018 Proficiency Math:68% Reading: 65% Language: 70% This puts CCAS as one of the top schools in the district. Our goal is to increase each area by 5%!

13 What you can do to support your child at home...
Get your child talking...ask questions! Instead of, “How was school today?” Try these: What is the best thing that happened today? Tell me something funny that happened. What was the best part of math today? What did you read about today? Tell me about recess.

14 We value your input! Digital Survey PTO Talk with your child’s teachers Attend parent / teacher conferences Nov. 1st/ 2nd Let us know how we can make CCAS A better place to learn

15 Communication Bi Weekly S’more Newsletters via Blackboard Connect Text messages Website: Electronic Road Sign PTO Class Newsletters and web pages s, See Saw, Remind, phone calls Care Dox Morning Announcements / CCN News

16 Game Locations Musical Chairs - Music Room
BINGO - Room 19 (Upstairs - Varner) Chess - Library (Upstairs - Morse) Board Games - Room 4 (Downstairs - Jordan) Other Games - Gym Don’t forget to visit the PTO and Lunch Lady

17 How Do I Win a Prize? Keep your tickets to hear the numbers for the prize drawing. Get tickets by: Checking in Visiting the PTO Table Visiting the Lunch Lady, Mrs. Godfrey Complete the survey and more winners Will be announced in the morning.


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