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Ebola Outbreak in the Congo

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1 Ebola Outbreak in the Congo

2 What’s going on An outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus has been tearing through the Democratic Republic of Congo It risks spreading to major towns in this region, including Kinshasa, the country’s capital which is home to 9 million people There is no treatment for Ebola and the World Health Organization (WHO) worries that, if not brought under control, the outbreak could spread to other countries. Experimental Treatments…

3 What is ebola Ebola is a potentially fatal disease that causes severe internal bleeding It kills about 90% of people who become infected with it. There is no cure for Ebola and researchers do not know why some people recover while most do not. It is believed that the Ebola virus originates in primates and is spread to humans through infected meat. Most animals that carry it are native to Africa which is why outbreaks generally occur on this continent Once a person is infected, they can spread it to other people through blood and other bodily secretions. Using infected needles can also spread the disease.

4 where The Democratic Republic of the Congo is classified as the poorest nation in the world. The country has been devastated by years of political corruption and conflict This has greatly affected their health system and care in their hospitals is often poor and unsanitary This contributes to the spread of the disease

5 effects Money- it takes money from the country’s government as well as organizations such as the WHO to contain the outbreak Population- Outbreaks can greatly reduce the population of small villages Workers- Deaths of skilled workers in small villages leads to lack of food, products, necessities, etc. Fear- often outbreaks lead to fear in surrounding cities and countries. People become frantic and are unwilling to care for those who are sick

6 What’s being done The World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control are working with local health officials to contain the disease. They’ve provided protective clothing for healthcare workers The United Nations is sending volunteer doctors and nurses to help care for those who are sick and prevent further infection There is no cure, so most of the care being given to the sick is simply to make them more comfortable until they either get better or pass away

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