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Contents Overall Performance Overview Analysis Per Programme
Areas of Non Achievement Expenditure Per Programme Expenditure Per Economic Classification Transfer Payments
Overall Performance Number of Planned Targets: 52
Number of Targets Achieved: 33 Number of Targets Not Achieved: 19 Overall Percentage: 63%
Analysis Per Programme
Areas of Non Achievement: Programme 1
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Number of Community outreach Campaigns conducted on Gender, Disability, Youth and Children (GDYC) Seven(7) Community Outreach Campaigns conducted Conduct two (2) Community Outreach Campaigns Two (2) Community Outreach Campaigns conducted - Not Achieved Outreach not conducted by the relevant unit. According to minutes provided, they were attendees to the reported campaigns
Areas of Non Achievement: Programme 1: Administration
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Founding legislation of Transport Public Entities reviewed by March 2018 Inception Report for the Review of Founding Legislations of Transport Public Entities developed Conduct stakeholder consultations and incorporate inputs to finalise the approval of technical specifications No information provided
Areas of Non Achievement: Programme 1: Administration
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING DoT Risk Management Strategy implemented DoT Risk Management Strategy developed and monitored Submit the Risk Management Strategy to EXCO for approval Risk Management Strategy submitted to EXCO Not Achieved Risk Management Strategy awaits EXCO approval Strategy to be presented to EXCO in the next quarter (17 October 2016)
QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING White Paper on the National Transport Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 Submit the White Paper on the National Transport policy to Cabinet Conduct public consultations on the White Paper Draft Revised White Paper at presented to EXCO and the DG ESEID Cluster. Not Achieved DG Cluster ESEID decision to have a bilateral with DPE prior to presenting at Cabinet. Cabinet presentation to take place in November 2016. A date has been set with DPE for 6th October 2016.
Programme 2: ITP PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Regional Transport Integration Market Access Strategy for SA developed by March 2017 Regional Transport Integration Market Access Strategy for SA developed Conduct Literature Review and Benchmarking against similar strategies Literature Review and Benchmarking not conducted as targeted Not Achieved Project delayed due to internal procurement processes Processes to be re-arranged and fastracked in the next quarters Harrismith Hub framework implementation plan submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 Harrismith Hub Framework Implementation Plan submitted to Cabinet Develop Draft Harrismith Hub Framework Implementation Plan Bid Proposal has been received
Programme 3: Rail Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING National Railway Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 White Paper on the National Rail Policy submitted to cabinet Conduct stakeholder consultations on the Final Draft National Rail Policy White Paper Stakeholder consultations not conducted as targeted Not Achieved New issues emerged that need to be investigated Research is currently being done on the new issues that arose
Programme 4: Road Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Road Accident Benefit Scheme (RABS) submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 Road Accident Benefit Scheme (RABS) Bill submitted to Cabinet Conduct Consultation with the Department of Monitoring and Evaluation on the proposed legislation amendments Consultation with the DPME not conducted as targeted Not Achieved The SEIAS certificate is outstanding from the Department of Performance and Monitoring Evaluation. Consultation will resume once the SEIAS certification process has been finalised
Programme 4: Road Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Road Safety Strategy for South Africa submitted to Cabinet by September 2016 Road Safety Strategy submitted to Cabinet Submit the Road Safety Strategy to Cabinet Cabinet Memorandum has been prepared for submission of the Strategy to Cabinet Not Achieved None Active Vehicle Testing Centers (VTCs) inspected in line with National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 540 VTSs inspected; 140 VTCs 140 Vehicle Testing Stations inspected and report compiled September information is still outstanding. VTS’s have time to respond to the reports. Only after response times are passed are reports finalised.
Programme 4: Road Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Active Driving Licence Testing Centers (DLTCs) inspected in line with National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 400 DLTCs inspected; 100DLTCs 118 Driving Licence Testing Centers Inspected and reports compiled Not Achieved Requests are received from Provinces for regarding: Ad hoc inspections, Site evaluations (new and already registered DLTCs) and Preliminary investigations .Thus led to increased inspections over the anticipated target.
Programme 4: Road Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Active Dangerous Goods Operators (DGOs) inspected in line with National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 140 DGOs inspected 35 DGOs 149 Dangerous Goods Operators inspected and report compiled Not Achieved Normal trend is to conduct inspections, training of traffic officers, inspecting training bodies and perform joint operations, however this quarter the focus was on more onsite inspections.
Programme 5: Civil Aviation
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Airports Company and ATNS Amendment Bills submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 Airports Company and ATNS Cabinet Submit the Amendment Bills for Ministerial approval A submission requesting approval of the progress on the Airports Company and ATNS draft Amendment Bills, 2016 was submitted to the Minister. Not Achieved Due to the SEIAS process that was introduced, the submission of the Amendment Bills was delayed. Airports Company draft Amendment Bill, 2016 presented at the NEDLAC Task Team on 18 August 2016 Comments on the Airports Company draft Amendment Bill, 2016 were made by the NEDLAC task team report The Airports Company and ATNS draft Amendment Bills, 2016 were updated to incorporate the comments of the NEDLAC’s Development Chamber Task Team. Terms of Reference for NEDLAC’S Trade and Industry Chamber Task Team for clause by clause discussion of the ATNS Draft Amendment Bill
Programme 6: Maritime Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Maritime Transport Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 The draft Maritime Transport Policy submitted to Cabinet Publish the draft Maritime Transport Policy for public comments Socio economic Impact Assessment Report signed off by the DPME JCPS Cluster support secured on the 04th of October 2016 Not Achieved Delays in securing Cluster decision to present to Cabinet prior to public consultations ESEID Cluster considering the matter on 12/10/2016 Merchant Shipping Bill, 2016 submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Draft Merchant Shipping Bill (2016) developed Develop inception report RFP Tender published and Compulsory briefing conducted Delays in advertising the RFP tender Accelerate the adjudication process upon the closing of the RFP Tender.
Programme 6: Maritime Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Inland Waterway Strategy submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 Inland Waterway Strategy submitted to Cabinet Present the Inland Waterway Strategy to the Portfolio Committee on Transport No progress provided Not Achieved Strategy development handed over to SAMSA Work with SAMSA on the strategy IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event hosted by March 2020 Project Plan for the 2020 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event developed Convene an inaugural meeting for the IMO 2020 World Maritime Day Parallel Event The meeting rescheduled due to low percentage of confirmations. A low percentage of confirmations by the stakeholders A meeting has to be re-scheduled, now taking place on the 27th of October 2016
Programme 6: Maritime Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Infrastructure support for Operation Phakisa Ocean Economy established by March 2017 Infrastructure for the DoT Marine Manufacturing Delivery Unit established Convene inaugural Steering Committee meeting Inaugural Steering Committee Meeting not convened as targeted Not Achieved Awaiting the date with the Minister to endorse the date of the meeting. Continuously engage with the Ministry to secure the date for the meeting
Programme 7: Public Transport
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 2 TARGET PROGRESS SELF-ASSESSMENT REASON FOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE MEASURE & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MODERATED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE RATING Rural Transport Strategy submitted to Cabinet By March 2017 Rural Transport Strategy submitted to Cabinet Submit final draft strategy to Cabinet The final reviewed strategy was tabled at FOSAD and it technical working committee Not Achieved FOSAD social cluster instructed that the department consult with FOSAD economic cluster and hold parallel meetings with more departments Consult with FOSAD other clusters forums, convene parallel meetings and cost the strategy before it is submitted to Cabinet
Expenditure 2nd quarter
Expenditure per Programme Programme Budget Cashflow projection Expenditure 2nd quarter Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 1. Administration 394,763 196,149 147,455 247,308 48,694 37% 2. Integrated Transport Planning 78,954 38,403 29,839 49,115 8,564 38% 3. Rail Transport 18,985,533 8,002,872 7,997,266 10,988,267 5,606 42% 4. Road Transport 24,525,567 13,202,268 13,310,665 11,214,902 (108,397) 54% 5. Civil Aviation 253,223 82,977 75,426 177,797 7,551 30% 6. Maritime Transport 121,733 65,765 66,091 55,642 (326) 7. Public Transport 11,655,390 4,042,357 3,999,495 7,655,895 42,862 34% Total Department 56,015,163 25,630,791 25,626,237 30,388,926 4,554 46% 20
Expenditure per Programme (Continued)
Administration Under spent by an amount of R49 million was mainly due to the outstanding invoices for the lease of office accommodation as a result of dispute with the service provider; slow filling of critical vacant post as well as delays in the procurement processes for the events and protocol management project. Integrated Transport Planning Under spent by an amount of R8 million mainly due to non-spending in the following projects: National Transport planning databank, Harrismith Hub, Transport Sector Economic Regulator as well as green transport strategy. Funds will be reprioritised to other projects. Rail Transport Under spent by R6 million mainly due to non-spending in the following projects: Moloto development corridor (funds will be reprioritised to the Establishment of the Rail Economic Regulator project), Interim Rail Economic Regulatory capacity, White Paper on Rail Transport, National Rail Safety Strategy and Rail Safety Amendment Bill. 21
Expenditure per Programme (Continued)
Road Transport Overspending of R109 million on goods and services was mainly due the cost of the unfunded mandate of maintaining and operating the Electronic National Traffic Information System (eNaTIS) of which by the end of September an amount of R225 million has already been paid; however other goods and services project such S’hamba sonke and road policy projects are underspending due to outstanding invoices. Underspending on transfers and subsidies was due to the following: Rural Road Asset Management Grant (RRAMS) to several municipalities was withheld due to non-compliance as well as the revision of the payment schedule. Withholding of the second tranch payment to the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) . Civil Aviation Underspending in transfer payments was mainly due to the delays in the transfer payments to the South African Maritime Safety Authority: Marine Rescue Coordination Centre. Under expenditure on goods and services is due to delays in expenditure on Committees, National Airports Development Plan and White Paper on Civil Aviation. An amount of R100 million was included in the budget for for a new Satellite Tracking System. The programme indicated that it might not be able to spend the amount by the end of the financial year (earmarked allocation). 22
Expenditure per Programme (Continued)
Maritime Transport To date of reporting the programme’s actual expenditure is on par with the projected expenditure however Funds amounting to R40 million will have to be shifted to cover shortfalls as a result of the cost of incidents that the service provider had to respond to if funds are not allocated on the Adjusted Budget. Public Transport The under spending of R 42 million was mainly due to non spending on a number of projects such the review of taxi recapitalisation model, implementation of IPTN in district municipalities and the Shova Kalula bicycle project. 23
Expenditure per Economic Classification
Budget Cashflow projection Expenditure 2nd quarter Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees 437,139 217,140 190,998 246,141 26,142 44% Goods and Services 754,915 334,088 451,424 303,491 (117,336) 60% Transfers & Subsidies 54,818,777 25,076,711 24,980,118 29,838,659 96,593 46% Machinery and Equipment 4.332 2,852 3,685 647 (833) 85% Payment for financial assets - 12 (12) 0% Total Department 25,630,791 25,626,237 30,388,926 4,554 24
Expenditure per Economic Classification (Continued)
Compensation of Employees Under spent by R26 million mainly due to the due to slow filling of critical vacant posts of which once off additional funding was provided by National Treasury. The delay on filling of post is due to no carry through of fund in the coming financial years. The department is still engaging National Treasury. Goods and Services Over spending of R117 million was mainly due to the cost of the unfunded mandate of maintaining and operating the Electronic National Traffic Information System (eNaTIS). The Department is under spending on other projects across programmes as indicated under Expenditure per Programme. Transfers & Subsidies Under spent by R96 million due to withholding of transfer payments; revision of payment schedules for conditional grants as well as delays in other transfer payments. 25
Transfer Payments 26 Transfer Payments (R'000) Budget Expenditure
Available % Spent Conditional Grants: Provincial Roads Maintenance 57% Public Transport Operations 43% Public Transport Network 25% Rural Road Asset Management 35 404 66 110 35% Public Corporatios: Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) 33% Departmental Agencies & Accounts: S.A. National Roads Agency 64% Road Traffic Management Corporation 48 465 Railway Safety Regulator 55 987 100% S.A. Civil Aviation Authority 21 191 10 596 10 595 50% Ports Regulator of South Africa 28 561 14 281 14 280 Road Traffic Infringements Agency 10 093 5 046 5 047 Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre 7 586 0% Transport SETA 1105 1054 51 95% Sub-total 46% 26
Transfer Payments (Continued)
Transfer Payments (R'000) Budget Expenditure Available % Spent Other: Taxi scrapping 49% Non Profit Institutions 2 542 0% South African National Taxi Council 20 275 12 000 8 275 59% Higher Education Institutions 9 939 4 108 5 831 41% International Organisations 11 163 11 476 (313) 103% Leave pay and donations 178 1 295 (1 117) 728% Sub Total 51% Total 46% 27
PROVINCIAL ROAD MAINTENANCE GRANT PROVINCES ALLOCATION TRANSFERRED BY SEPTEMBER 2016 SPENT BY THE PROVINCES TO AUGUST 2016 AVAILABLE BUDGET % ON TRANSFERRED EXPENDITURE R'000 Eastern Cape 599,475 613,634 52% Free State 536,124 377,409 70% Gauteng 223,941 250,210 50% KwaZulu-Natal 677,806 900,669 53% Limpopo 593,516 415,952 58% Mpumalanga 597,760 756,426 54% Northern Cape 420,187 336,637 63% North West 292,342 428,670 51% Western Cape 318,736 337,357 59% TOTAL 4,259,887 4,416,964 57% 28
PUBLIC TRANSPORT OPERATIONS GRANT PROVINCES ALLOCATION TRANSFERRED BY SEPTEMBER 2016 SPENT BY THE PROVINCES TO AUGUST 2016 AVAILABLE BUDGET % ON TRANSFERRED EXPENDITURE Eastern Cape 76 967 48% Free State 99 854 43% Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal 44% Limpopo 41% Mpumalanga Northern Cape 49 096 20 280 15 825 28 816 North West 42 686 28 363 58 239 42% Western Cape Unallocated - Total 29
PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK GRANT MUNICIPALITY ALLOCATION TRANSFERRED BY SEPTEMBER 2016 AVAILABLE BUDGET % ON TRANSFERRED R'000 EC: Buffalo City 35 289 13 000 22 289 37% FS: Mangaung 30 142 15% GT: City of Tshwane 25% GT: Ekurhuleni GT: City of Johannesburg KZN:Msunduzi 37 349 19% KZN: eThekwini 26% LP: Polokwane 50 026 MP: Mbombela 50 058 NW: Rusternburg 71 262 WC: George 27 444 79 000 WC:City of Cape Town Overall Total 30
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