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Mary Quinn, Health Protection Nurse Specialist

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1 Mary Quinn, Health Protection Nurse Specialist
Health Protection Guideline A Board Health Protection Nurse Perspective Mary Quinn, Health Protection Nurse Specialist

2 Declaration of Conflict of Interest
I am the current chair of the Health Protection Guideline Group HPGG( previously HPN) Been in post for 21/2 yrs and involved with the HPN for 5 yrs This is my perspective of what I would think as a Health Protection Nurse should I be on a guideline working group with no previous knowledge of guidance development The HPGG planned to have a similar learning workshop with previous chairs and members of working groups as described by Dr Nickdel with HPS staff who have been co-ordinating working groups

3 Opportunities Be proactive at a national level
Multidisciplinary, multiprofessional working Learning and CPD Consider practice from a wider perspective As practitioners understand the complexities of practice and have ‘real’ life experiences to offer Use of up to date evidence What constitutes as evidence More likely to implement guidance if involved in production

4 Challenges Time frame for guidance production
Medium to long term commitment Reactive work can take precedence Maintaining focus May never have limited experience of guidance production process May have rusty skills in evidence searching, appraisal and synthesis Minimal available admin support Whole guidance can seem a daunting task

5 Needs Meetings planned in advance (face to face/virtual)
Need for expert help in developing primary questions Scientific, grey and other evidence from literature searching Appraising the evidence in relation to answering the key questions Synthesising this into guidance Need for a chair to distribute tasks and into sizable chunks An team to project manage and keep to tasks

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