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T HE P RICE I S R IGHT The Kingdom of heaven, what is it worth?

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2 T HE P RICE I S R IGHT The Kingdom of heaven, what is it worth?

3 T HE W ORD 45 "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. 45 "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. 46 When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!" 46 When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!" Matthew 13:45-46 [NIV] Matthew 13:45-46 [NIV]

4 T ODAY S Q UESTIONS 1. Where is our bible story from today? 1. Where is our bible story from today? 2. What did the men do when they found the treasure and the pearl? 2. What did the men do when they found the treasure and the pearl? 3. What was God trying to tell us with these two men? 3. What was God trying to tell us with these two men? 4. How can I use this story in my life? 4. How can I use this story in my life?


6 W IN A P RIZE It has been on television for more than 50 years! The contestants on the show are shown an item and then they try to guess how much the item costs. The one who guesses closest to the actual price without going over wins the prize. It has been on television for more than 50 years! The contestants on the show are shown an item and then they try to guess how much the item costs. The one who guesses closest to the actual price without going over wins the prize.

7 L ET S P LAY I thought it would be fun to play "The Price Is Right." I brought a package of cookies. Oreo cookies! Yum, yum! On the back of the package there is a tag with the price of the cookies. We will see how close you can come to guessing the price without going over the correct price. I thought it would be fun to play "The Price Is Right." I brought a package of cookies. Oreo cookies! Yum, yum! On the back of the package there is a tag with the price of the cookies. We will see how close you can come to guessing the price without going over the correct price.

8 If you think that the price of this package of cookies is MORE than $4.00, raise your hand. ???

9 NO. NO. If you raised your hand, you are out of the game because these cookies do not cost more than $4.00. If you raised your hand, you are out of the game because these cookies do not cost more than $4.00.

10 If you think the price of this package of cookies is LESS than $2.00, raise your hand. If you think the price of this package of cookies is LESS than $2.00, raise your hand.???

11 NO. NO. If you raised your hand, you are out of the game because these cookies cost more than $2.00. If you raised your hand, you are out of the game because these cookies cost more than $2.00.

12 If you think the price of these cookies is MORE than $3.00, raise your hand. If you think the price of these cookies is MORE than $3.00, raise your hand.???

13 Yay!!! If you raised your hand, you are still in the game. This package of cookies does cost more than $3.00. Yay!!! If you raised your hand, you are still in the game. This package of cookies does cost more than $3.00.

14 T HE R IGHT P RICE Next, I am going to call out a price, If I call out the price that you think is the right price of the cookies, raise your hand. Next, I am going to call out a price, If I call out the price that you think is the right price of the cookies, raise your hand.

15 $3.39 $3.39???

16 N O …S ORRY

17 $3.49 ???

18 N O …S ORRY

19 $3.59 $3.59???

20 N O …S ORRY

21 $3.69 $3.69 ??? ???

22 W INNER IS ! - Yes! These cookies cost $3.69. If your hand is up, you are a winner! You have won the cookies, but I am sure that you will want to share them with the other children when our Bible story is over. - Yes! These cookies cost $3.69. If your hand is up, you are a winner! You have won the cookies, but I am sure that you will want to share them with the other children when our Bible story is over.

23 T RUE V ALUE These cookies are good, but $3.69 is a lot of money for a package of cookies, isn't it? Are they worth it? Perhaps there is another package of cookies that would be just as good for less money. Every day, we have to make choices about the value of things. We ask ourselves, "How much am I willing to pay?"

24 F INDING A T REASURE Jesus once told a story about a man who found a treasure which someone had hidden in a field. He was so happy that he immediately went and sold everything he had and bought the field so that the treasure would be his. (Matthew 13:44) Jesus once told a story about a man who found a treasure which someone had hidden in a field. He was so happy that he immediately went and sold everything he had and bought the field so that the treasure would be his. (Matthew 13:44)

25 T HE V ERY BEST Jesus told about another man who went in search of fine pearls. When he found a pearl that he thought was the very best, he sold everything that he had so that he could buy the pearl. Jesus told about another man who went in search of fine pearls. When he found a pearl that he thought was the very best, he sold everything that he had so that he could buy the pearl. (Matthew 13:45-46) (Matthew 13:45-46)

26 W ORTH E VERYTHING These men both found something that they thought was worth giving everything they owned so that they could have it.

27 Do you know what this thing was that Jesus was talking about? Do you know what this thing was that Jesus was talking about?

28 K INGDOM OF H EAVEN He wasn't talking about buried treasure or beautiful pearls, He was talking about the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is the greatest treasure one could ever desire. It is more precious than silver, gold, or jewels. He wasn't talking about buried treasure or beautiful pearls, He was talking about the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is the greatest treasure one could ever desire. It is more precious than silver, gold, or jewels.

29 G IVE IT A LL FOR THE O NE W HO IS A LL W E N EED That is why Jesus calls us to give up all that we have and follow him. Is that too great a price? That is why Jesus calls us to give up all that we have and follow him. Is that too great a price?



32 T HE W ORD 45 "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. 45 "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. 46 When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!" 46 When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!" Matthew 13:45-46 [NIV] Matthew 13:45-46 [NIV]

33 R EVIEW T ODAY S Q UESTIONS 1. Where is our bible story from today? 1. Where is our bible story from today? 2. What did the men do when they found the treasure and the pearl? 2. What did the men do when they found the treasure and the pearl? 3. What was God trying to tell us with these two men? 3. What was God trying to tell us with these two men? 4. How can I use this story in my life? 4. How can I use this story in my life?

34 S TUDENT Q UESTION T IME Does anyone have any questions? Does anyone have any questions? Raise your hand Raise your hand

35 L ET U S P RAY Father, nothing we have can compare to life in the kingdom of heaven. Thank you for the Kingdom of Heaven. Father, nothing we have can compare to life in the kingdom of heaven. Thank you for the Kingdom of Heaven. In Jesus name, In Jesus name, Amen Amen

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