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Invasive Non-Native Species Working Group

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Presentation on theme: "Invasive Non-Native Species Working Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Invasive Non-Native Species Working Group

2 Wildlife & Countryside Link
44 member organisations 11,000 full-time staff 174,000 volunteers 8 million+ UK supporters 750,000+ hectares of land 11 Link groups "Bringing voluntary organisations in the UK together to protect and enhance wildlife and landscape and to further the quiet enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside."

3 INNS Working Group 15 organisations Amphibians, birds, fish,
invertebrates, mammals, plants, reptiles Advice & expertise Influence policy Management & monitoring

4 IAS Experience National – Chair INNS Working Group EU
Environmental Audit Committee – evidence Species Control Orders – lobbied Schedule 9 review – steering group Monitoring & management EU EU IAS Regulation – lobbied EU list Union Concern

5 Awareness Raising Networks Communications outlets
Members, supporters, volunteers, staff Communications outlets Publications, blogs, web pages Media, social media Workshops, events GB media and communications working group

6 Pathways Coordinated approach to priority pathways and pathway action plans Key pathways: Agriculture Aquaculture Forestry Ornamental Shipping

7 Management & Eradication
Effective methods Reserves & estates Woodland Trust £220,000 – 4 plants Staff & volunteer time WWT 400 hours – 3 species Partnership work – catchments Restoration – woodland, wetlands

8 Surveillance Networks volunteers, staff and reserves
Citizen science project experience & data handling Site monitoring Links to LAGs & community groups

9 Guidelines & Training Material
Creating & sharing materials Delivering training – volunteers, staff, public Best practice sharing Advice to landowners & managers Advice to advisors

10 Other Thoughts Creating a robust EU list Horizon scanning
Monitoring success Comparing country processes

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