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Climate Weather The day to day conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Weather The day to day conditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Weather The day to day conditions.
It is raining outside… The weather conditions over time. Cold Winters. Weather or climate video.

2 Choose one colour shade from light to dark.
Summer Temperatures. 17+ 16-17 15-16 14-15 13-14 -13 -13 14 14.5 Isotherms- lines that join temperatures of equal value. Choose one colour shade from light to dark. Land only.

3 Title: Summer and Winter Temperatures in the U.K. .
Summer Temperatures. Stick the map in your book and write a brief description of the temperature pattern. As you move further South the temperature… For example, in the Scottish Highlands it is In London it is… Title: Summer and Winter Temperatures in the U.K. .

4 Choose one colour, shade from light to dark.
-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7+ Winter Temperatures. Choose one colour, shade from light to dark. Land only. Is the pattern different?

5 Winter Temperatures. Stick the map in your book and write a brief description of the temperature pattern. As you move further South-West the temperature… For example in North-East Scotland it is In London it is …

6 Why are the temperatures different?
Relief The higher the relief, the lower the temperature, about -1C for each 100 metres. Everest.

7 Albedo Some surfaces reflect more heat than others.
Ice reflects heat, Earth and Ocean retain heat. Antarctica.

8 Continentality Sea heats up slowly and cools slowly.
Land heats up quickly and cools quickly.

9 Continentality In Summer the sea takes longer to heat up, places near the sea will be slightly cooler. But land heats up quickly, places in the centre of large landmasses will be very warm. The opposite happens in winter.

10 Differential Heating. At the Poles the sun’s rays covered a larger surface area, therefore heating is less efficient. At the Equator, the sun’s rays covered a smaller surface area, therefore heating is more efficient. At the Equator the sun’s rays also have to travel through less of the Earth’s atmosphere, therefore more heat energy reaches earth.

11 Then there are air masses...
Gulf Stream Also known as the North Atlantic Drift. A current of warm water that travels from the Gulf of Mexico. This, along with the prevailing South-Westerly wind, enables a relatively warmer climate compared to areas on the same latitude. Link to Al Gore video here. Then there are air masses...

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