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Overall Impacts: (LK p.174-7)

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Presentation on theme: "Overall Impacts: (LK p.174-7)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overall Impacts: (LK p.174-7)
Economically The beginning of private economy And foreign investment 2. The transformation of state-owned Enterprises Company registration system Share system

2 3. The integration of planned and market
Economy “Socialist market economy” since 1978 More people engaged in business Stock markets in Shenzhen & Shanghai 4. Increase in production and the improvement Of people’ livelihood

3 5. Urbanization 6. A narrow gap between China and the West PRC enjoyed leading position in various Agricultural and industrial production like Steel, coal, cement. 1999, GNP ranked 7th in the world.

4 Socially Improvement in education and healthcare Services 2. Illiteracy was to be wiped out 3 Changes in customs and tradition and greater Freedom

5 Politically A narrower gap between China and western Countries 2. Changes in customs and traditions and Greater freedom of speech

6 Problems: -Three rural problems unsolved: crime, Corruption and inflation -unemployment and huge debts -insufficient legal reform -people being discontented with the political system

7 China (Coastal Development Plan) increasingly
Dependent on the international economy and Reduced China’s control over her economy Growing inequality of income and infrastructure Between coastal provinces and the inland provinces

8 The role of China in Asia
Economic role The new “Industrial Workshop” Many daily necessities and products throughout The world were all made in China. In 1998, PRC was the world’s television producer, with Significant market share in Asia. Her ranking In terms of foreign trade rose from 27 (1978) To 11 (1998).

9 2. The biggest market, investment venue in Asia
1.3 billion population (with expanding Purchasing power) provided large market. Cheap labour force attracted foreign investment (Taiwan, Four Little Dragons in Asia)

10 3. Contributing to Asian economic cooperation
ASEAN, APEC (text p.178), WTO 4. Stabilizing Asia & Pacific Reigon Peacekeeping force in Asia Maintain balance of power

11 Social role Overseas Chinese in Asia Linguistic aspect Educational aspect

12 In a word… -Opening & liberalizing her market -Cooperating with other countries -integrating in world economy END

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