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Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages (August 2004)

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1 Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages 215-221 (August 2004)
Colonization of albumin-producing hepatocytes derived from transplanted F344 rat bone marrow cells in the liver of congenic Nagase's analbuminemic rats  Jun Arikura, Mitsuhiro Inagaki, Xiang Huiling, Atsuko Ozaki, Kazuhiko Onodera, Katsuhiro Ogawa, Shinichi Kasai  Journal of Hepatology  Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages (August 2004) DOI: /j.jhep

2 Fig. 1 (A)–(C) Albumin-immunostaining of F344alb livers. (A) The liver of an untreated F344alb contains a few single alb+hepatocytes at the age of 10 weeks. (B) An Alb+hepatocyte cluster seen 2 weeks after BMC transplantation and PH. (C) A large alb+hepatocyte cluster consisting of more than 60 cells seen 4 weeks after BMC transplantation and PH. (D) The area in (C) in a serial section immunostained for GST-P. Note that this neoplastic marker is negative in the alb+hepatocyte cluster (A, B; ×200, C, D; ×100). Journal of Hepatology  , DOI: ( /j.jhep )

3 Fig. 2 Albumin mRNA and the normal albumin gene in the livers of F344alb. (A) RT-PCR using the exon G and I primers amplifies the 373 bp band from the total hepatic RNA, but not from BMC RNA of F344. Although the RT-PCR amplifies the 240 bp band lacking exon H from F344alb hepatic RNA, no normal 373 bp band is apparent in F344alb that received either PH or PH and BMC transplantation (PH+Tx) after 2 or 4 weeks. Stained with ethidium bromide. (B) The RT-PCR products in (A) were blotted on a nylon membrane and hybridized with the exon H probe. Although no signal is seen for F344 BMCs, the weak signal is detected at the position of the normal 373 bp band for the untreated liver and the liver after PH alone. The intensity of the 373 bp bands was much increased in the livers after PH and BMC transplantation (PH+Tx). (C) PCR using primers that amplify a region including the intronic 7 bp lacking in F344alb. The 60 bp band is amplified from F344alb DNA, while the 67 bp band is amplified from F344 DNA. Note that the normal 67 bp band which is more intense than the host 60 bp band is seen in DNA isolated from dissected alb+hepatocyte clusters in the F344alb liver that received PH and BMC transplantation (PH+Tx). Journal of Hepatology  , DOI: ( /j.jhep )

4 Fig. 3 Sry3 in situ hybridization. (A) No positive signals are apparent in a female F344alb liver. (B) Positive signals are shown on the nuclei of hepatocytes and nonparenchymal cells in a male F344alb liver. (C) Albumin immunostaining. Note the alb+hepatocyte cluster 4 weeks after PH and BMC transplantation. (D) The same area to (C) in a serial section. Positive signals are found corresponding to the alb+cells (arrows), but not in the surrounding albumin negative hepatocytes. Inset; arrows are Sry3 positive nuclei, and the arrowhead is a negative nucleus. (E) Positive signal is also seen in the nuclei of vascular cells (arrows) as well as parenchymal cells in the liver after PH and BMC transplantation. (A–D; ×100, D Inset and E; ×400). Journal of Hepatology  , DOI: ( /j.jhep )

5 Fig. 4 Western blotting analysis of serum albumin. Although an intense 67Kd band is evident in 1:100 diluted F344 serum, only a very weak band is detected in the serum of untreated F344alb and F344alb with PH rats. However, the band intensity is much increased after PH and BMC transplantation (PH+Tx). Journal of Hepatology  , DOI: ( /j.jhep )

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