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Extending the ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Catalogue

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1 Extending the ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Catalogue
D. Di Giacomo, Bob Engdhal, D.A. Storchak, A. Villaseñor and J. Harris 1

2 Background
The ISC and a Team of International Experts released in January 2013 the ISC-GEM catalogue ( ), which provides basic earthquake parameters (location, moment magnitude, and, if available, moment tensor) along with corresponding uncertainties. This product is unique since it lists parameters obtained using the same techniques (to the largest extent possible) throughout the last 110 years of instrumental seismology. It is available as CSV file (both main and supplementary catalogues) and also as KMZ (see Download & Legal). or

3 Background
In 2013 a short paper was published on SRL to announce the release of the ISC-GEM Catalogue, whereas in a PEPI special volume we describe in detail the various tasks accomplished to produce the catalogue: Data collection Relocation Magnitude re-assessment Bibliographic search of reliable seismic moments for events before 1976 (i.e., pre-GCMT) or

4 Phase and Amplitude Data Collection
Body/Surface Wave Amplitudes Body Wave Arrival Times Period ~10,000 ~1,000,000 Quality station bulletins DIGITALLY NOT AVAILABLE BEFORE THIS PROJECT DIGITALLY AVAILABLE, ISC database Major Sources of Phase Data: Gutenberg Notepads ( ) and BAAS ( ) ISS Bulletins ( ) 4

5 Adding amplitudes from historical seismological bulletin
1906 San Francisco earthquake report from Göttingen (Germany) station bulletin. The same report stored in digital format in the ISC database. Period and amplitude data finally available for magnitude recomputation.

6 Data Collection before extension started
In order to produce the ISC-GEM catalogue, we digitized a multitude of sources of parametric seismological data to facilitate location and magnitude re-computation for earthquakes before 1960. The parametric data collected in this project will be useful for any future study for earthquakes occurred before 1964 Scans of the processed bulletins are available in PDF at SISMOS website: Di Giacomo et al., PEPI 2015a Add bullet on the data collection, stress more all of them

7 Location improvements
More details in Bondár et al., PEPI 2015

8 Improvements in magnitude, especially Ms
ISC-GEM recomputed Ms Ms from Abe’s catalogue More details in Di Giacomo et al., PEPI 2015b

9 Summary of the ISC-GEM catalogue before extension started
Given the time and resources in the project we processed only selected earthquakes using time-variable cut-off magnitudes: M ≥ 7.5 up to 1917 (plus significant quakes in continental regions with M ≥ 6.5); M ≥ 6.25 between 1918 and 1959; M > 5.5 from 1960 onwards. To process large earthquakes occurred in the last 100+ years we first had to digitize the necessary instrumental parametric data (hypocenters, magnitudes, phase time arrivals, amplitude and periods of different phases, etc.) in order to apply the same modern techniques we use for current earthquakes also to past ones. Modified from Di Giacomo et al. (2015b) ~19,000 earthquakes were listed in the catalogue first release

10 Extension plan The work is planned for 4 years;
Large number of earthquakes below ~6.2 is to be added before 1960; Also current years (post 2009) to be added. Data for recent years is taken from the ISC Bulletin, whereas for earthquakes before 1960 we need to digitise the relevant data for relocation and magnitude re-computation

11 First year extension: 1950-1959
Number of ISS events in the 1950s Year Number of earthquakes relocated 1950 438 1951 469 1952 560 1953 352 1954 316 1955 299 1956 311 1957 355 1958 530 1959 526 Totals 4156 Box-and-whisker plot of the location differences before and after the ISC-GEM relocations in each year. Box-and-whisker plot of the depth differences before and after the ISC-GEM relocations in each year.

12 First year extension: events with re-computed MS in the 1950s
Many ISS earthquakes in the 1950s fall below the ISC-GEM cut-off magnitude of 5.5, but rather than excluding completely those events we list them in the Supplementary Catalogue Timeline of the re-computed MS in the 1950s

13 First year extension: earthquakes without re-computed magnitude in the 1950s
Spatial distribution of the relocated events in the 1950s without magnitude (listed in the Supplementary Catalogue) Timeline of the relocated events in the 1950s without magnitude (listed in the Supplementary Catalogue)

14 Summary All ISC-GEM work is possible thanks to the support of
Before extension started With extension in the 1950s, Add bullet on the data collection, stress more all of them All ISC-GEM work is possible thanks to the support of and 62 ISC Members from 45 countries

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