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Early Models of the Atom

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1 Early Models of the Atom
4.1 Early Models of the Atom Early Models of the Atom An __________ is the smallest particle of an element that _________ its ____________ in a chemical reaction. Philosophers and scientists have proposed many ideas on the structure of atoms.

2 Early Models of the Atom
4.1 Early Models of the Atom Democritus believed that atoms were ___________ and ________________. Democritus’s ideas were limited because they didn’t explain ________________ ______________ and they lacked ___________________ support.

3 Early Models of the Atom
4.1 Early Models of the Atom By using _______________ methods, Dalton transformed Democritus’s ideas on atoms into a ___________________ ______________________. The result was Dalton’s _____________ theory.

4 Early Models of the Atom
4.1 Early Models of the Atom All elements are composed of ______ __________ ____________ called __________. Atoms of the same element are _________. The atoms of any one element are ____________ from those of any other element. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, an element is composed of only one kind of atom, and a compound is composed of particles that are chemical combinations of different kinds of atoms. a) Atoms of element A are identical. b) Atoms of element B are identical, but differ from those of element A. c) Atoms of elements A and B can physically mix together. d) Atoms of elements A and B can chemically combine to form a compound. Interpreting Diagrams How does a mixture of atoms of different elements differ from a compound?

5 Early Models of the Atom
4.1 Early Models of the Atom Atoms of different elements can physically mix together or can ____________ combine in simple ___________________ _____________ to form _________________________ Chemical reactions occur when atoms are __________ ___________ or _______________.  Atoms of one element are ___________ changed into atoms of another element in a chemical reaction. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, an element is composed of only one kind of atom, and a compound is composed of particles that are chemical combinations of different kinds of atoms. a) Atoms of element A are identical. b) Atoms of element B are identical, but differ from those of element A. c) Atoms of elements A and B can physically mix together. d) Atoms of elements A and B can chemically combine to form a compound. Interpreting Diagrams How does a mixture of atoms of different elements differ from a compound? Scientists used a scanning tunneling microscope to generate this image of iron atoms, shown in blue. The radius of this circle of atoms is just 7.13 × 10-9 m.

6 4.1 Sizing up the Atom Despite their small size, individual atoms are observable with instruments such as ______________ ________________ microscopes.

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