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Christ’s Birth Lesson 8. Christ’s Birth Lesson 8.

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2 Christ’s Birth Lesson 8

3 Theme Christ chose to come into the world through a virgin birth.

4 I. The Reliability of Scripture
A. The Prophecy of a Virgin 1. Matthew explains that the virgin birth was a confirmation of the accuracy of Isaiah’s prophecy (Matthew 1:22-23)

5 I. The Reliability of Scripture
B. The Prophecy of an Heir 1. Problem a. God promised David…”and thy house and thy kingdom shall be established forever” b. But the kingly line was cursed (Jehoiachin)

6 I. The Reliability of Scripture
B. The Prophecy of an Heir 2. Solution a. Legal right to the throne from His legal father, Joseph (adoption). b. Mary was a descendant of David from a different line, physical right to the throne.

7 I. The Reliability of Scripture
C. The Prophecy of a Place 1. Micah 5:2 “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel…”

8 I. The Reliability of Scripture
C. The Prophecy of a Place 2. Luke gives the details a. all in the empire were returning to their hometowns for a census b. no place - found a stable c. wrapped in swaddling clothes

9 II. The Uniqueness of Christ
A. The Unique Birth 1. Christ was fully God and He became fully man. 2. The birth did not go unnoticed.

10 II. The Uniqueness of Christ
A. The Unique Birth 2. a. Elisabeth - “...the mother of my Lord should come to me.” b. Shepherds - knew they had seen a great event & returned praising God (Lk 2:20)

11 II. The Uniqueness of Christ
A. The Unique Birth 2. c. Anna & Simeon immediately recognized Him as the Christ. d. Scholars from the East came to worship Him

12 II. The Uniqueness of Christ
B. Reasons for Incarnation 1. God could reveal Himself 2. Save men from their sin 3. Example of holy living 4. Experience temptation & suffering - better help us

13 III. The Need of Reproach
A. Mary & Joseph had the situation explained to them by angels B. What was a great bless-ing and miracle was also a source of embarrassment, because others did not know.

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