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Projected changes to coastal fisheries

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1 Projected changes to coastal fisheries
Solomon Islands Government

2 Based on......

3 Outline Main components of coastal fisheries
Indirect effects of climate change Direct effects of climate change Projected changes to coastal fisheries production Priority management measures

4 Coastal fisheries – Solomon Islands

5 What are coastal fisheries?
Demersal fish Nearshore pelagics Invertebrates Species not considered Deepwater snapper Sharks

6 Demersal fish Solomons – spearing, netting, line fishing targeting snapper, groupers, coral trout

7 Nearshore pelagic fish
Solomons – YF and skipjack tuna, Spanish mackerel (king fish), rainbow runner, mahi mahi and bait fish for pole and line tuna fishery (small pelagics – booma and roma)

8 Invertebrates Solomons – beche de mer, trochus, spiney lobster, mud carb, giant clams (food), whelks, oysters

9 Coastal fisheries – Solomon Islands
3,575 t/yr 8,925 t/yr 5,750 t/yr Gillett 2009

10 Indirect effects of climate change
% coral cover


12 65% decline in abundance and diversity of fishes

13 Effects of habitat degradation
0.5 -0.5 -1 Macroalgae Proportional change Habitat complexity Coral cover Time after extensive coral loss (years)

14 Effects of habitat degradation
0.5 -0.5 -1 Macroalgae Proportional change Habitat complexity Coral reef fishes Coral cover Time after extensive coral loss (years)

15 Catch composition Generalists Not vulnerable
Reef associated Vulnerable Coral associated Highly vulnerable

16 Catch composition – Solomon Islands
Percent Catch Availability

17 Importance of herbivorous fish

18 Direct effects of climate change
pH Temperature

19 Effects of temperature
Growth (mg/week) Maximum growth 28-30oC Acanthochromis polyacanthus Projected increase 3oC by 2100 Temperature (oC) Zarco Perello and Pratchett 2012

20 Effects of temperature
Declines in: growth lifespan reproduction Fewer & smaller fishes Growth (mg/week) Maximum growth 28-30oC Projected increase 3oC by 2100 Temperature (oC) Zarco Perello and Pratchett 2012

21 Effects of temperature
Normal spawning temperature

22 Effects of ocean acidification
Abalone Byrne 2012

23 Effects of ocean acidification
Munday et al 2012

24 Projected coastal fisheries production Solomon Islands
% catch 2035 2050 2100 Main effects Demersal fish 50 -2 to -5% -20% -20 to -50% Habitat loss and degradation Nearshore pelagic fish 31 0% -10% -15 to Changes in distribution of tuna Invertebrates 19 0 to -5 to -10% -10 to Ocean acidification

25 Priority management measures
Protect structural complexity and biological diversity of coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass to sustain fisheries and maximise adaptation potential Recognise ecological importance of herbivorous fish and ensure stocks are sufficient to maintain ecosystem functions Maintain adequate spawning stocks of all species to help overcome the shocks of greater climate extremes

26 Conclusions Coastal fisheries are critically important for both food security and livelihoods Effects of climate change will add to existing pressures (e.g. overfishing) Improved catch data are needed for monitoring effects of climate change on coastal fisheries: separate data for each main category of coastal fisheries subsistence fisheries catches

27 Thank you

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