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Unit 11 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 11 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 11 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Contexts of Abuse

2 You have 10 seconds to name…
5 places found on a Monopoly Board

3 Recap …. What we have learned so far
Types of Abuse Indicators of Abuse What is a Vulnerable Adult

4 Where are people Abused
own home; community care; day care; hospitals; residential care, independent living; Day care centres; health services, eg GP surgeries, dental surgeries, physiotherapy Contexts: people who are dependent on others for personal care; lack of mental capacity to consent to

5 Who is most at risk? people with learning disabilities,
physical disabilities; ill health; dementia; people with mental health needs; people who are aphasic; sensory impaired; comatose or semi-comatose; Older people Aphasic – the inability to use or understand language

6 Contexts of Abuse people who are dependent on others for personal care; lack of mental capacity to consent to sexual relationships; adults who do not have the social awareness that abuse has taken place; adults who feel shame or fear of reporting; communication difficulties; discriminatory practice; bullying within care services; invasion of privacy; relationships involving power; social isolation

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