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Deputy Chief Officer CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT Police Inspector

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2 Deputy Chief Officer CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT Police Inspector
Daniela FLOREA Deputy Chief Officer Cristian POP Main Chief Officer Adrian ȚEPUȘE

3 According to the provisions
of the Law no. 61/1991 republished, Consumption of alcoholic beverages in the following public places: public roads, parks, stadiums and sports grounds, cultural institutions, showrooms, economic institutions or units, all means of public transport, bus stations, railway stations and airports, belonging to the state or to private persons, or other places provided by law is considered to be an offence (charged with a fine from 100 lei to 500 lei)

4 According to the provisions of the Law no. 61/1991 republished,
The trespassing, in violation of the legal norms of access, in the offices of central and local public authorities, public institutions, educational institutions and spaces belonging to them, regardless of their destination, ... or the refusal to leave them at the request of the law enforcement agencies is considered to be an offence (charged with a fine from 500 lei to 1500 lei)

5 According to the provisions of the Law no. 61/1991 republished,
Unlawful disturbance of the tenants’ peace by making noises with any devices or objects or by shouts or outcries (charged with fine from 200 lei to 1000 lei) Disturbance of the tenants’ silence between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. and between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. by producing noise, outcries or by using any devices, objects or musical instruments at high intensity in the premises or inside official headquarters belonging to natural or legal persons, in the homes of individuals or in any other place in or near the dwelling premises (charged with fine from 200 lei to 1000 lei) are considered to be offences

6 According to the provisions of the Law no. 61/1991 republished
Public perpetration of obscene deeds, acts or gestures, utterance of insults, offensive or vulgar expressions, threats with acts of violence against persons or their possessions, such as to disturb public order and peace or to incite indignation of citizens or damage the dignity and honor of people or public institutions; Instigation or effective participation in scandals in public places; Punished by a fine from 200 lei to 1000 lei; In cases where the aforementioned acts are committed inside an educational or health institution the sanction is fine from 1000 lei to 3000 lei.

7 According to the provisions
of the Law no. 61/1991 republished : Any kind of prevention of the authorities or of other state bodies in charge of maintaining public order to fulfill their service duties regarding asking for ID or directing a person at the police station or to take the necessary measures to maintain or restore public order is considered to be an offence (charged with fine from 3000 lei to 6000 lei)



According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, preliminary complaints must be filed within 3 months of the day the injured person learned of the crime and must be addressed to the criminal investigation body or the prosecutor. Examples of offenses for which prior complaint is required: - STRIKE OR COMMIT OTHER VIOLENCES


12 Law no. 143/2000 on the prevention and combating of illicit drug trafficking and consumption
Art. 2 (1)  Cultivation, production, manufacture, experimentation, extraction, preparation, transformation, offer, preparation for sale, sale, distribution, delivery by any title, dispatch, transport, obtaining, purchase, ownership or any other operations regarding the circulation of risk drugs shall be punished by imprisonment from 2 to 7 years and the forfeiture of certain rights. (2)  If the facts provided in paragraph (1) deal with high-risk drugs, the penalty is imprisonment from 5 to 12 years and the forfeiture of certain rights

13 Law no. 143/2000 on the prevention
and combating of illicit drug trafficking and consumption Art. 4 1)  Unlawful Cultivation, production, manufacture, experimentation, extraction, preparation, transformation, purchase or possession of risk drugs for their own consumption shall be punished by imprisonment from 3 months to 2 years or by fine. (2)  If the facts provided in paragraph (1) concern high-risk drugs, the penalty is imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years.


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