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Healthy lives, healthy people The Public Health White Paper

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy lives, healthy people The Public Health White Paper"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy lives, healthy people The Public Health White Paper
Dr Adrian Dawson Director of Public Health Bournemouth and Poole

2 The White Paper Builds on Equity and Excellence – liberating the NHS
High level vision for public health designed to ‘improve and protect the nation’s health and improves the health of the poorest, fastest Complements personalisation and prevention agenda for adult social services

3 Highlights Statutory duty for local authorities to improve the health of the population Health premium available to local authorities to reward them for improvements New national Department of Public Health Incentives for GPs to be involved

4 Local issues Local authorities will want to contracts for services with a wide range of providers Local communities need to be more engaged to deliver outcomes Local people will have more access to information about commissioning decisions, funding and outcomes

5 Voluntary sector involvement
DH will work to ensure voluntary sector is supported to provide services DH hopes that local authorities will use grant funding to build local capacity and prevention activities Commissioning on an any willing provider basis

6 Role in Commissioning JSNA Patient / carer / user feedback
PLACE based initiatives Development and innovation (Planning) Big Green Fortnight

7 Outcomes framework Outlines the government goals
Improves transparency and accountability Provides incentives through the health premium Provides indicators for health improvement, prevention and protection Support partnerships

8 Consultation What mechanisms would best enable local authorities to utilise voluntary and independent sector capacity to support health improvement plans? What can be done to ensure the widest possible range of providers are supported to play a full part in providing health and wellbeing services?

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