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Parent Superintendent Council January 15, 2019

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1 Parent Superintendent Council January 15, 2019
Budget Planning Parent Superintendent Council January 15, 2019

2 Overall Results & Scoring

3 2019-20 Budget Reduction Rankings
Estimated budget savings from reductions = $2.5M Budget savings from reductions would be used to fund strategic plan priorities

4 2019-20 Strategic Plan Priorities to be addressed by Budget Reductions
Elementary Design – Social Emotional Supports School Counselor/Social Workers .5 to 1 FTE per school (approx. $1.2M) Social emotional curriculum (approx. $300,000) Teacher Professional Development for new curriculum Implementation of District-wide Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Professional Development (approx. $300,000/year) Site-based Intervention Support Additional options for English Language Arts and Math intervention curriculum (approx. $75,000) Professional development (Dyslexia, intervention, SPED) (approx. $200,000) Student Agency – AVID Tutors ($10,000) Middle school design – focused on social emotional support and student agency

5 Middle School Staffing Models
Current Model Proposed Model Core teachers teach 5 periods a day Elective teachers teach 6 periods a day Both core and elective teachers teach 5 periods a day Core teachers have approximately 120 students a day Elective teachers have approximately 180 students a day Both core and elective teachers have approximately 150 students a day Core teachers have 1 planning period a day and 1 PLC planning period a day Elective teachers have 1 planning period a day Both core and elective teachers have 1 planning period a day and PLC planning on early release Wednesday Early release Wednesday is 1.5 hours Early release Wednesday is 2 hours Students have 7 periods with 4 core classes and 2 electives ranging from minutes Students have 7 periods with 4 core classes and 2 electives that are approximately 7 minutes longer per period Requires more core full time equivalent (FTE) teachers Requires fewer core full time equivalent (FTE) teachers Not a sustainable model with current AZ funding allocations Approximately 20% of teachers impacted Proposed model is more aligned to other middle school staffing structures in state No impact on class size $1.170 million savings The current staffing model is expensive, not sustainable with current Arizona funding allocations, and not equitable amongst classroom teachers. In the current middle school model, only 20% of classroom teachers have additional PLC planning time within their daily assignment. Based on the January 8 presentation, proposed savings for a change are approximately $1,170,000. These values may be adjusted in alignment with FY20 student enrollment and staffing allocations. Neither KEA nor District office has received any communications of concern regarding this reduction.

6 Bell Times 2014 - Current 2 Tier Schedule Elementary - 1 start time
Middle Sch. – 1 start time Approx routes Not efficient, very costly Nearby districts of Kyrene’s size are not structured in this manner

7 Option B Bell Times shared at January 8th Board Meeting
4 Tier Schedule Elementary - 2 start times Middle Sch. – 2 start times Approx. 61 routes Extremely efficient ($1 million in savings) Similar to other districts Similar to Kyrene Bell Schedules prior to 2014

8 Option C Bell Times Proposal (New)
3 Tier Schedule Elementary - 2 start times Middle Sch. – 1 start time Approx. 74 routes Efficient ($700,000 in savings) Instructional Day 10 minutes longer for elementary, no change for middle school (7 hours) 2 hour Early Dismissal for both elementary and middle school

9 Bell Time Operational Factors
* Option C continues to be evaluated to optimize start/dismissal times Bell Time Operational Factors Factor Option B ($1,200,000 Savings) Option C ($700,000 Savings) Bell Schedules 2 start times for elementary schools 2 start times for middle schools 1 start times for middle school Start – Dismissal times 7:20 am start 3:55 pm dismissal 7:35 am start Sports Staggered middle school dismissal Common middle school dismissal Safety 30 minutes between elementary and middle schools 40 minutes between elementary and middle schools Delivery of Students Pick-up time for longest routes are assigned to later start schools Pick-up time for all long routes are assigned to later start schools Traffic Patterns Morning traffic is favorable District wide pick-up

10 Bell Schedules and Community Education
Community Education will adjust tuition rates so that usage (either more time p.m. or more time a.m. due to the start/end times of school) will average out to be the same cost.

11 Employee Discount Options
Kids Club, After Hours, and Community/Signature Preschool Option A: All employees receive a flat 45% discount (breakeven) Option B: Two year phase in Year 1: All employees receive a flat 60% discount Year 2: All employees receive a flat 45% discount (breakeven) Year 3+: All employees receive a flat discount that continues to breakeven

12 Employee Discount Options Comparisons
Option A Option B .5 FTE in Payroll Required Yes Discount Amount 45% (Breakeven) Year 1: 60% Year 2: 45% (Breakeven) Cost to the District $0 Year 1: $208,000 Year 2: $0

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