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LTSS Lesson 6 Getting Sorted

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1 LTSS Lesson 6 Getting Sorted
Title Page

2 Have You Heard About… Optional hook for the lesson related to the reasoning pattern. For example it could be an animal which is difficult to classify using standard model, duck billed platypus, mudskipper.

3 Sorting a Range of Technology
There are no wrong answers only if the group do not have clear characteristics.

4 Make your own tables to collect your results.
Sorting chemicals Make your own tables to collect your results. Again there are no wrong answers only if the group do not have clear characteristics. Start the activity with classifying by observing their characteristics. After a discussion of the range of answers move onto classifying by solubility. The usual health and safety issues apply. After a discussion of the range of answers, finally use both characteristics to divide the chemicals into 4 groups.

5 Laboratory Cupboard Again there are no wrong answers only if the group do not have clear characteristics. This is the most difficult of the tasks but it produces a rich range of problems related to classification and a rich range of solutions.

6 Consolidation and Review
What have we learnt about classifying thinks? Is it useful to classify things? Think of the different ways you use classification systems in your everyday life? As an individual response ask which activity was the most difficult with reasons. Link back to your hook. Provide an topical/interesting to think about for the next lesson on classification.

7 End

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