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Genetics! Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics! Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics! Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Mendel Types of Inheritance Types of Inheritance 2 Pedigrees Definitions 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 Topic 1 – 10 Points QUESTION: What type of organism did Mendel do most of his major experiments with? ANSWER: Pea Plants

4 Topic 1 – 20 Points mid/late 1800’s QUESTION: ANSWER:
During what time period did Mendel make his discoveries? ANSWER: mid/late 1800’s

5 Topic 1 – 30 Points QUESTION: What type of inheritance did Mendel discover from his experiments? ANSWER: Dominant/Recessive Inheritance

6 Topic 1 – 40 Points What was Mendel’s original hypothesis? QUESTION:
ANSWER: Blending Hypothesis (blue + yellow = green)

7 Topic 1 – 50 Points QUESTION: List four characteristics that Mendel observed and studied in his plants. ANSWER: Flower color, pea color, pod color, pod shape, pea shape, height, flower position.

8 Topic 2 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: The recessive allele
In dominant/recessive inheritance which allele is covered up in a heterozygous pair? ANSWER: The recessive allele

9 Topic 2 – 20 Points QUESTION: What type of inheritance is red-green colorblindness? ANSWER: Sex-linked

10 Topic 2 – 30 Points QUESTION: In which type of inheritance does neither allele dominate over the other and the offspring displays both parental alleles? ANSWER: Codominance (speckled)

11 Topic 2 – 40 Points QUESTION: A red snapdragon and a white snapdragon reproduce and all the offspring are pink. This is an example of: ANSWER: Incomplete dominance

12 Daily Double Topic 2 – 50 Points
QUESTION: Give an example of a trait that is controlled by polygenic inheritance. ANSWER: Skin color, height, weight Daily Double

13 Topic 3 – 10 Points QUESTION: True or False: two albino parents can have a normal child? ANSWER: False

14 Topic 3 – 20 Points QUESTION: A type of inheritance where the gene is carried on the X or Y chromosome? ANSWER: Sex-linked trait

15 Topic 3 – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
In which type of inheritance does neither allele dominate and the offspring displays a blended phenotype? ANSWER: Incomplete dominance

16 Topic 3 – 40 Points QUESTION: Achondroplasia dwarfism is an example of a __________ type disorder? ANSWER: Dominant

17 Topic 3 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Blood type displays what two types of inheritance? ANSWER: Incomplete dominance, multiple allele, dominant/recessive

18 Topic 4 – 10 Points QUESTION: Females are represented with a ______ and males are represented with a _________. ANSWER: circle, square

19 Topic 4 – 20 Points QUESTION: Individuals affected with a disorder are represented how? ANSWER: Shaded/filled in

20 Topic 4 – 30 Points A half shaded circle indicates what?
QUESTION: A half shaded circle indicates what? ANSWER: a female carrier of the disorder

21 Topic 4 – 40 Points Cousins QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the relation between #9 and #10? ANSWER: Cousins

22 Topic 4 – 50 Points QUESTION: What is the genotype of #6? ANSWER: Aa

23 Topic 5 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: The different forms of a gene.

24 Topic 5 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
the visible characteristics of the organism (what it looks like). ANSWER: Phenotype

25 Topic 5 – 30 Points Two of the same alleles homozygous QUESTION:
ANSWER: homozygous

26 Topic 5 – 40 Points QUESTION: The transfer of genetic traits from parents to offspring. ANSWER: Heredity

27 Topic 5 – 50 Points QUESTION: The study of heredity. ANSWER: Genetics

28 Final Jeopardy Question:
In dogs, Black fur is dominant over white and short fur is dominant over long. If I cross a BbSs dog with a bbSs dog. What are the phenotypic ratios? Answer: 3:3:1:1

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