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Awantika Vidhya Bhavan Village: Samardha Bhopal (district), M. P

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1 Awantika Vidhya Bhavan Village: Samardha Bhopal (district), M. P
Awantika Vidhya Bhavan Village: Samardha Bhopal (district), M.P. ARPAN Society

2 Basic Project Info School: Awantika Vidhya Bhavan Grades KG1 – 5th
Planned extension to 6th – 8th grades Location: a rural area close to the Industrial town of Mandideep (30 km from Bhopal, MP)

3 Student Body 92 students Come from four surrounding villages, in a 12 km radius Economically backward background Least likely to attend school Lack of good government schools in the area Private schools are beyond the reach of these children

4 School building












16 Girls learning embroidery – zardozi, mirror and bead work


18 Initially funded by grant from the International Adoption Association, Italy and personal funds
Construction of building Supplies, furniture Salary of teacher Currently the teachers are receiving partial salary. They have agreed to work despite a salary cut – but only for a limited time Lunch provided This is a huge incentive for the kids to come to school Medical Care Transportation to and from school Make 3-4 stops in neighboring villages Wide area coverage

19 What we need Need funds to keep the school going: Teachers salary
Hiring new teacher Add grades 6th - 8th Need to consolidate gains made in KG1 -5th education Kids leaving after grade 5th tend to forget what they have learned; they either stop going to school or they go to ill equipped government middle/high school. 8th grade pass students more likely to retain skills and knowledge Supplies

20 Incentive to come to school
Supportive atmosphere Transportation Lunch

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