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Lesson # 49: Practice with Thesis statements and Topic sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson # 49: Practice with Thesis statements and Topic sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson # 49: Practice with Thesis statements and Topic sentences.
Do Now: Why do you need to grasp these concepts? A working thesis statement and strong topic sentences are necessary. They hold the essay together….

2 Tragic hero topic: compare and contrast
Acceptable: There is room for improvement: Thesis- This essay will explore the three tragic hero attributes of having much to lose, being respected and flawed, and how they apply to Oedipus Rex. Thesis- Oedipus Rex, the protagonist of the play Oedipus Rex, possesses a major flaw, suffers a great loss, and eventually comes to a realization; therefore, making him an ideal example of a tragic hero.

3 Incest topic: Compare and contrast
There is room for improvement: Acceptable: Thesis- I will explore Oedipus the unfaithful husband, John Proctor the morally conflicted man, and last but not least, John Proctor the honest and truthful. Thesis- Without John Proctor and Abigail’s scandalous affair there would be no conflict, no symbolic resurrection, and no one would have died as a result of accusations.

4 Transformation/changing topic: compare and contrast
Acceptable There is room for improvement: Thesis- Throughout the play, Oedipus morphs from a naive and arrogant king to a suffering beggar ready to make amends for his actions. Thesis- Oedipus changes a few times throughout the story which greatly affects the outcome of the story for the worse.

5 Topic Sentences Each topic sentence must directly relate to thesis. The reader should understand your direction, purpose, and argument after studying the topic sentence.

6 Thesis: Oedipus Rex, the protagonist of the play Oedipus Rex, possesses a major flaw, suffers a great loss, and eventually comes to a realization, therefore making him an ideal example of a tragic hero. Topic Sentence 1: Oedipus Rex possessed the unforgivable flaw of incest, and this categorizes him as a tragic hero. Topic Sentence 2: Oedipus Rex is a tragic hero because he lost his reputation and status. Topic Sentence 3: Oedipus‘s realization, that he must face the origins of his birth and rid Thebes of himself, enables him to identify with the ideal tragic hero.

7 Thesis: Without Oedipus’s investigations of his own scandalous affairs there would be no conflict, no symbolic resurrection, and no one would have died as a result of his actions. Topic sentence 1: Topic sentence 2: Topic sentence 3:

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