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English in Use Mgr. Dominika Čechová,

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Presentation on theme: "English in Use Mgr. Dominika Čechová,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Odstraňovanie bariér pri získavaní informácií a nových vedomostí – anglický jazyk
English in Use Mgr. Dominika Čechová, Základná škola, Školská 389, Sačurov

2 Match countries with flags.
France Britain Australia Greece Germany Japan Spain Russia Italy the USA Brazil

3 Write the names of countries.
Tokyo is in Sydney is in London is in Paris is in Moscow is in New York is in Where are you from? Where do you live?

4 Put in order. How you are old name is your What are you from Where
When her birthday is is your What ph. number

5 Family members ?

6 Complete the timetable.
DAY/ CLASS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

7 a bike a computer a DVD player a CD player a radio a television

8 an MP3 player a mobile a camera a car

9 have got/has got Erica............a camera.
Complete and make sentences according to the example: I You We They have got/haven´t got He She It has got/hasn´t got have got/has got Erica a camera. I a mobile phone. We DVD players. You a bike. He hasn´t got a bag. He´s got a box. (bag and box) They………………………..( a television/a radio) She………………………….(a car/bikes ) I……………………………….( s mobile/ a camera ) He…………………………….(a Cd player/ an MP3 player)

10 ANIMALS a snake a hamster a horse a fish

11 a r b i t a p r o t a s p i d e r

12 Complete nine animals in the
crossword. d f c b h o r s e J g i k a w v m u p t j q n l

13 It´s one o´clock. It´s five past eight. It´s ten past three..
It´s half past four. It´s quarter past six. It´s quarter to eight.

14 It´s It´s It´s It´s It´s It´s It´s

15 Free time activities Name the activities and mark what you like.
play football



18 Draw the objects. a tie a skirt a cap a T - shirt a dress a coat
trousers a T - shirt a dress a coat

19 a skirt shorts shoes socks
trainers shoes boots socks

20 Where does it belong? a wardrobe a mirror a carpet a lamp a bed
a toilet a fridge a table a sofa a shower Where does it belong? a bathroom a kitchen a dinning room a bedroom floor

21 Bibliography Hutchinson, T.: Project 1, Oxford University
Press, ISBN

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