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Patterns of land use in towns and cities

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Presentation on theme: "Patterns of land use in towns and cities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Patterns of land use in towns and cities

2 Although all towns and cities are different, most have grown and developed in the same way.
Believe it or not there is a PATTERN to it all !

3 We can show this pattern by using a MODEL – a simplified picture.
This is an URBAN MODEL to show the different land use within a town or city. Each different colour sector represents a different type of land use.

4 Have a go at completing the passage on the worksheet.
You have 3 minutes….

5 Press on a sector to find out more information or press the arrow to finish.

6 The Central Business District
THE CBD The Central Business District This is usually the original site of the settlement. Large Shops Offices Restaurants Cafes Cinemas Theatres Museums It is centrally located because the rest of the settlement has grown around it.

7 Terraced houses for the factory workers.
INNER CITY Terraced houses for the factory workers. Some now replaced by high-rise flats. Small Corner shops Located just outside the CBD Houses built near to the factories so that the workers could get to work easily.

8 Housing 1920 - 1950 INNER SUBURBS Larger houses usually with gardens
Some Parks Some rows of shops Newer houses built for the growing population. The land is cheaper the further away from the CBD you go, so houses were built with gardens.

9 Modern Housing OUTER SUBURBS New houses and housing estates
New shopping centres Parks and other open areas The land around the edge of a settlement is much cheaper and there is enough space to build large housing estates.

10 New Industrial Area Industrial estates and business parks built since 1970, close to main roads They are located close to main roads so that there is easy access for goods and employees

11 Old Industrial Areas Along a river, canal or railway
Many old factories now closed Area may look run down They are located near to rivers, canals and railways because they needed to transport goods in and out of the city.

12 Out of town shopping centres
They have large car parks. You can get many item in the same shop. The shops have lots of space. There are a group of shops in the same area. They are easy to get to. Often call retail parks. Where would you put a large shopping Centre?

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