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Title: (Times New Roman)

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1 Title: (Times New Roman)
CHEMCON 2013 FSQM Title: (Times New Roman) Presenting Author , Second Author, Corresponding Author,* (Times New Roman) *Mailing address including affiliated company / institution / university (Times New Roman) of corresponding author General Instructions for Poster Size of poster (overall including header and footer) should be: Height 1m, Width 1m Header should contain logo ( HIT and FSQM ) and title of FSQM as mentioned in sample template Margin of 1 inch from all sides should be maintained. Colour and Font Size should be according to individuals choice. The colour and font of both header and footer can be changed based on individual choice. Kindly do not include abstract “FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT (FSQM ), Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia ” should be included at the bottom (height 1.5 inch, width 36 inch at bottom) DEPT. OF CHEM. ENGG. ICT MUMBAI FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT , Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia

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