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Year 4 Welcome parents!.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 4 Welcome parents!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 4 Welcome parents!

2 Year 4 A Newsletter will come out next week that will lay out the topics to be learnt this half term. PE will be every Wednesday. Children to wear their PE kit to school on the day of their PE lesson, no school uniform.

3 Reading Daily reading is the most effective way for your child to enjoy reading and make progress. Please fill in the reading record with comments like: Was it read by or to the child? Did the child enjoy the book? How fluent were they? Could your child discuss the story and remember details? Which page did they get to? Were there any tricky words? Were there any powerful words they could magpie?

4 Reading Reading diaries:
Termly reading challenges (with certificates) and booklists. Today we used our inference skills to understand more about a character. Mon – I loved the part where she escaped! Tues – Gemma could use the text to explain the meaning of the word ‘unctuous’ (Mum).

5 Spelling Children will be given up to 10 spellings a week based on the spelling pattern they have been learning. Please encourage your child to use their spelling journal to practise their spellings at home (at least once per week). This should be a fun experience! They will then be tested weekly in school. Spellings will be given out on the talk homework on a Wednesday and they will be tested on a Monday.

6 Spelling Activities Calligrams Pictures/ diagrams Letter patterns
Colours Word families

7 Handwriting Here is the letter join website.
(login details on the school website)

8 Maths Times tables should be practised daily!
This year we are continuing to use the Singapore method of teaching, using a scheme called Maths No Problem!

9 General We still do Fast Feedback as part of our learning culture which is helping them become far more responsible for their own learning. P.E -Wednesday Library- Thursday Swimming – Tuesday

10 Swimming Swimming will be every Tuesday for a whole term.
When one class is swimming the other year 4 class will be having Clarinet lessons. For swimming, they will need either a swimming costume or need briefs or tight swimming shorts. If your child has long hair then they will need a swimming cap. If you want your child to use goggles then please send in a letter.

11 Homework Homework will be the same as last year, with the children asked to complete a research project once every half term. The children can complete the homework in any way they want to. There is a homework club after school on a Wednesday where children can work on their timestable and spellings.

12 Any Questions!

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