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Attendance Codes Deb Palmer Pre-Service 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Attendance Codes Deb Palmer Pre-Service 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attendance Codes Deb Palmer Pre-Service 2018

2 P = Present When a student is marked P for Present nothing further on the attendance sheet is needed…not time in or time out - it is assumed the child arrived within an hour of school starting and did not leave before one hour of the end of the day

3 Did not arrive….. When a student does not arrive within the hour of school start time, there must be a communication plan in place. Someone on your team must reach out to the family as a welfare check. Prioritize children who are transported by public transportation or any other means other than the family.

4 Program Performance Standard:
Attendance. (a) Promoting regular attendance. A program must track attendance for each child. (1) A program must implement a process to ensure children are safe when they do not arrive at school. If a child is unexpectedly absent and a parent has not contacted the program within one hour of program start time, the program must attempt to contact the parent to ensure the child’s well-being.

5 Based on the results of the attempt to contact, several things may happen:
You may actually reach the family and they may say, “oops forgot to let you know Tommy will not be there today, we have a doctors appointment” Use the code: E for Excused Absence & reason: H for Health Documentation of the contact will be entered in the contact notes in the client file. All documentation MUST be completed before the end of the work day.

6 If you cannot reach the family after multiple attempts have been made…
Document in the client file that an attempt to contact was made. If possible, leave a message. Once you know the reason for absence you will indicate as such in the attendance code column and record the reason as well. Remember, you MUST log the conversation with the family in the contact notes

7 E = Excused Absence When a child is absent and the family contacts the site within the hour of start time, the code would be E-Excused Absence and the reason would be listed in the reason column. Reasons: H-Health R-Religious/Cultural W-Weather O-Other (explain) T-Transportation

8 T = Tardy When a child arrives late use T-Tardy and indicate time arrived in the appropriate column. The reason must be logged in the client file in the contact notes

9 LE = Left Early When a child leaves early use LE-Left Early and indicate time out in the appropriate column. There must be a reason logged in the client file in the contact notes

10 N = Not Scheduled to Attend
Use N-Not scheduled to attend when you know a child is going to be absent 12 hours in advance. Use N-Not Scheduled to Attend and indicate the reason. This must be entered in the contact notes in the client file.

11 T/L – Tardy & Left Early When you need to use T/LE - Tardy & Left Early indicate the time in and the time out. Don’t forget to log the reason in the contact notes.

12 Remember to document All documentation MUST be completed before the end of the work day.

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