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Prodcom ESTP course October 2013

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1 Prodcom ESTP course 15-16 October 2013
User needs October 2013, Luxembourg 11-User needs Prodcom ESTP course October 2013

2 Prodcom ESTP course 15-16 October 2013
User Needs The European Commission and the national governments need data to monitor industry and markets and to develop their corresponding policies. The enterprises benefit from data provided by the Prodcom system which allow them to evaluate markets and opportunities for development. 11-User needs Prodcom ESTP course October 2013

3 Classification and description of the Prodcom users (1/3)
Description of the user Needs in terms of statistics DG Enterprise The policy arm of the Commission regarding the business sector Measurement and monitoring of the policy agenda, especially the Lisbon targets Other directorates (DG TRADE, COMP, MARKT, etc) Policy setting Various, especially in the business domains 11-User needs Prodcom ESTP course October 2013

4 Classification and description of the Prodcom users (2/3)
Description of the user Needs in terms of statistics Other ESTAT Units Environmental statistics and accounts Statistics on products such as hazardous chemicals, products whose manufacture emits greenhouse gases and other products with an environmental impact. Food Safety statistics Food safety statistics monitor the manufacture of food and beverages. 11-User needs Prodcom ESTP course October 2013

5 Classification and description of the Prodcom users (3/3)
Description of the user Needs in terms of statistics EU Entreprises and EU Trade Associations European business sector Market research, intra EU comparisons. The national governments and their national authorities National administrations International comparisons The public Research institution, students, media Varied, mainly intra EU comparisons 11-User needs Prodcom ESTP course October 2013

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