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Objectives: - To know and understand one the events after 1919 and become an expert in it. To be able to assess the significance of the Anglo-Irish War.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives: - To know and understand one the events after 1919 and become an expert in it. To be able to assess the significance of the Anglo-Irish War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives: - To know and understand one the events after 1919 and become an expert in it. To be able to assess the significance of the Anglo-Irish War. Outcomes: - C grade – will be able to explain the impact of an event on the political relationship between Britain and Ireland. B grade – will be able to analyse the significance of events by comparing and contrasting them. A grade – will be able to substantiated conclusion about the importance of events post-1918, by analysing the comments of historians. Differentiated learning : - Differentiation by outcome and discussion. Literacy: - Battleships speaking and listening starter. SMSC: - Social – use of discussion to develop ideas and thinking.

2 Battle Ships

3 Impact of the Easter Rising II – From the Dail to Partition
Subject Objective(s) To know and understand one the events after 1919 and become an expert in it. To be able to assess the significance of the Anglo-Irish War.

4 Learning Outcomes: C grade – will be able to explain the impact of an event on the political relationship between Britain and Ireland. B grade – will be able to analyse the significance of events by comparing and contrasting them. A grade – will be able to substantiated conclusion about the importance of events post-1918, by analysing the comments of historians.

5 Individual Task You are now going to produce your helpsheet for the rest of the class on your given area. This helpsheet must: Summarise the key events, facts and happenings. Demonstrate how your event links to the Easter Rising. Demonstrate how the event impacted on republicans and unionists. Explain the impact it had on the political relationship between Britain and Ireland.

6 How significant was your event in the development of the political relationship between Britain and Ireland?

7 Synthesis – bringing it all together.
You are now going to use all of the information gathered to discuss a series of questions about the importance of events during this period…

8 Question 1 Which event had the greatest influence on the relationship between Britain and Ireland?

9 Government of Ireland Act
Historian Desmond Keenan referred to the Government of Ireland Act as a ‘great piece of legislation’. How far does the evidence support this statement?

10 The Anglo-Irish Treaty
…[T]here can be no doubt that the Treat itself represented a spectacular advance on anything that had been offered before as also the maximum any British government could possibly have conceded at the time. Not only that, but partition was the only option left if Britian was to be able to withdraw without coercing the North-East. To blame the border for all subsequent trouble is to forget that by 1921 it had already (in de facto terms) existed for a century or longer – a state of which brought about far more by the behaviour of all kinds of Irishmen and –women than by the unhelpful and often ignorant interventions of Westminster and Whitehall. Hoppen, Ireland Since 1800, Longman, Harlow, 1999, p.154. How far do you agree with Hoppen?

11 How significant was your event in the development of the political relationship between Britain and Ireland?

12 In your opinion, what was the significance of the Anglo-Irish War?
This is a two week homework: Week 1 – Planning your answer – the plan will then be marked. Week 2 – Writing up the essay, taking on board comments on the plan and you previous essay. You have been given the same 4 sources. These will form the basis of your analysis.

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